Google and the ADL are creating an online secret speech police AI

in #censorship7 years ago (edited)

We’re being rounded up and taken away from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and shunted off to the walled-off districts of, Minds, BitChute and DTube. We’re being herded. And you know what happens to the cattle after they get herded.


If you think this is too dramatic, you haven’t been paying attention. Google has now teamed up with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the University of California, Berkeley to create a secret speech police AI to instantly evaluate YouTube videos and other content on Google-owned platforms and flag it for demonetisation, ‘limited state’ or removal from the platform. The company then plans to roll out the speech police AI to the entire internet.

This is on top of the waves of bannings, suspensions and fake security lockouts we’ve been experiencing from Facebook and Twitter since the US election. Facebook routinely targets conservatives by requiring a photo ID or selfie to access their account. The company acquired a startup to automate the process earlier this year.

But this was just the beginning.

Google, the ADL and UC Berkeley’s D-Lab research institute have collaborated to undertake a research program and develop an ‘Online Hate Index’ (OHI). This OHI is being used to program an AI to monitor all text, audio and video content uploaded to the internet in real time, and flag content which goes against the OHI guidelines. The bot uses a sentiment-based analysis that runs off machine learning. For video and audio content, it relies upon already existing instant transcription technology, as every video uploaded to YouTube is already transcribed as it is uploaded. Google says this OHI has been developed to measure and combat ‘violence and extremism’.

By extremism, they mean anything that would hurt an SJW’s feelings.

The research study they are using to justify this totalitarian crackdown on freethinking was carried out on Reddit comments. The results speak for themselves.


Notice any pattern there? It’s not ‘extremism’ this is targeting. It’s white men speaking up against the hate. Which is no surprise, given that race war against whites has been the objective of the ADL since its founding.

The ADL is a professional doxing organisation with roots in organised crime and its tentacles run through the halls of American power at the federal, state and local levels. It’s a protection racket, run for the benefit of Jews in America and Israel.

The ADL was founded in 1913 by the B’nai B’rith organisation after one of its chapter presidents, Leo Frank, was indicted for raping and murdering one of his child-laborers, Mary Phagan. The B’nai B’rith Jewish network mobilised, accusing the prosecutors and police of anti-Semitism. Frank was convicted, but after the nascent ADL created a national outcry, his sentence was commuted to life prison. The local community was so outraged that a lynch mob abducted Frank from prison and hanged him from a tree.

The ADL is rich. In 2016 the non-profit had assets of US$145 million. It uses this money to leverage politicians, influence media organisations and carry out smear campaigns against those who disagree with J-Left ideology. They are burrowed so deep within the FBI and local law enforcement, they have become the largest non-governmental organisation in the US to train federal, state and local police.

That’s right. An ethnic lobby group that trains the police.

And like a psychopath, the ADL maintains extensive lists of Everyone It Doesn’t Like.


Your Patreon orbiters will avenge you, shieldmaiden

Now this ethnic lobby group, with extensive ties to espionage and Jewish underworld figures, is partnering with the companies that own the internet to determine who will have rights and who won’t in the current year.

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, who is incidentally Jewish, has created the following video which appears on the ADL website.

The ADL wants you to know that Big Sister is not playing.

But they only have 3K subscribers on YouTube lel.

This secret speech police AI is not going to end at taking down YouTube videos that hurt SJW feelz. The ADL has stated that they will be marketing this Online Hate Index (OHI) tool beyond Google to other tech companies. Given what we have seen from social media companies in recent years, it is easy to see something like this SJW AI being rolled out across the internet. Only platforms which explicitly support free speech, like and BitChute, will be left for conservatives and freethinkers.

It will also become a mechanism by which political elites, themselves threatened by the populist uprising around the West, use the anti-extremism legislation they have passed in response to exploding sand people to put people like you and me, dear reader, into something even worse than an online ghetto. The narrative is already well-established.


This is the ADL’s intention. They have framed the development of their OHI as an academically rigorous, social science research project. It’s nothing of the sort. This patina of false academic respectability, however, is designed to provide political cover for politicians when opposition to the crackdown on dissidents begins.

Gen X thought Skynet was going to be an Austrian bodybuilder with a sawn-off. Millennials thought it was going to be a hot blonde in red leather. How wrong they were. Skynet, it turns out, is a Jewish SJW.

There's a lot of work to do to make these things look human.

The purpose of all this is to remove you from society so that you starve and are destroyed as an example to others. J-Left thugs like the ADL never engage with your ideas. They don’t play nice like mainstream conservatives still do. They do everything they can to destroy you.

Our main problem is that most of the people the J-Left organisations want liquidated are still too damn nice; too damn deluded to understand what is happening and what will happen if we don’t fight back.

Those of us who are standing up publicly against the agenda of hate from the left are getting sick of this milquetoast cuckery.

If a gay Jew can do it, so can you. You’ll be in the ghetto with the rest of us too, eventually. Then it’s the trains. Then the camps. Then the rollercoaster of death.


It’s no joke. The people who are carrying out this agenda are powerful, organised and fanatical. They really believe we did that to them, and they will sure as hell do it to us if they thought they could get away with it.

Stop playing by their rules. You might think this struggle is about ‘free speech’ and individual rights. Your enemies don’t. They know it’s a race war; and they’ve been fighting it for decades while we fretted about whether we really are as racist as they say we are.

It’s worth repeating that there are many Jewish and non-white individuals who are also pushing back against these toxic narratives of white guilt and Jewish victimhood. Jews like Frame Game Radio, Brother Nathaniel and weev all call out Jewish supremacy and anti-white bigotry. They do great work. The argument I am making is not about hating people based upon their identity. That’s what our enemies do. It’s about exposing how much some people hate us. People we’ve trusted for far too long.

The J-Left love to kvetch about those evil Natzees burning precious Jewish books. What Jewish organisations like the ADL are now doing, with support from Big Tech and the political establishment, makes the scale of German book-burning laughable.

And, as the J-Left love to repeat, when you start burning books, you end up burning people.

So welcome to the ghetto, fellow purveyor of hate. It’s not such a bad place. It makes me wonder though – what happens when there are more of us inside the ghetto than them outside it?
