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RE: Independent Media Duped, Begging Government to Regulate Social Media

in #censorship7 years ago

It's better when these enterprises are doing it on their own, without legal force and violence behind them to authorize their actions. In a free market with causal forces, if people want to be responsible and care about what is happening, they can all leave these censorship platforms and go to more freedom-friendly platforms. It's up to us, the people, to choose what tools we use and where we go.

Yes, this is exactly right! This is what I have been saying from the start and Rush actually had a great diatribe saying the very same thing yesterday. Any of those sites that kick off their users and content creators can become the next Myspace overnight. Here we are on a platform that is censored in a much different way. Other platforms will arise with even less censorship.


Yeah it can happen, and hopefully it does. I just don't know what the other platform will have to attract ppl other than being less censored, which all these big ones were when they started anyways...

kids don't want to be on the same site on their parents. they may already be on whatever will be the next Facebook.