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RE: troll

in #censorship8 years ago (edited)

This is baiting. And I know who's to blame for that: the fat fake cat call Gizmosia polluting my life by making people believe we are one and the same, accusing me of falsely accusing it, or painting me into a corner by forcing me to answer ''are you okay with pedos, bestiality, transgenderism, etc.'' when I made it an habit to never be on the defensive so to look guilty of something when falsely accused. This is psy-op 101 in action but I'm the only one to see it. Go read my tweets, I'm being put under a lot of pressure even in my physical life. That Gizmozia person called all of the tactics it uses itself in the comments. It's easy to proove, but long to put together. Read it, it's a pro. It's not the first time it happens on the Internet for me, I don't like being force to play these games, I feel isolated and then I start to lose trust in everybody.

Unbelievable, I'm cracking under the pressure putted on myself by shills and agent provocateurs, when I'm one of the few on Steemit to use my real name and to have skins in the game.

David Seaman & reallygraceful were right: this thing is getting blown out of proportion! I tried to ignore it all, tossed it aside, pretend as if nothing is happening, but it has become to the point of people waiting for me on my way to work for three days in a row (friday, monday & tuesday), Nice truck attack looking trucks waiting for me on my return, when I have never seen one of those around before (there is a fund in France for victims of terrorism, and there are strong indications that nobody died and that these millions of dollars given to the families of victims is fraud), and I don't know what to expect this morning. I know it must sound crazy, but to me this is real.