For those of you who havent had this happen to you yet, it seems that facebook is now removing steemit articles from peoples timelines and marking them as spam. Im not sure why this is happening. The article itself was of nothing offensive, violent or of any malice of any kind. In fact it was the EXACT opposite! More and more the once great social media app Facebook is becoming more and more orwellian as time goes by, which is fine as it gives more rise to better platforms such as Steemit.
Facebook is making deals with governments, which are under perpetual influence from the Rrotschild banking cartel, whose agenda is the generational enslavement of mankind.
Exactly, and any message of freedom from said power structure is something that they want to crush.
How does this pertain to the allegation that they are removing Steemit posts?
You know I hear a lot about the Rothschilds, and Soros et al on these pages. I don't see any evidence though of their nefarious behaviour. Could you point me towards some? It's a genuine request.
thanks for the heads up... i mustn't be working hard enuf : )