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RE: Independent Media Duped, Begging Government to Regulate Social Media

in #censorship7 years ago

Is that Ajit Pai? He didn't like Open Internet, even when he was working for Obama. Maybe that's why Trump asked him to become FCC chair. The fight is still on for Net Neutrality restoration. As of Aug 20, Mozilla and others filed this...

Public Knowledge FTC Comments on Consumer Welfare And Algorithmic Tools
August 20, 2018

The Net Neutrality gloves came off Dec 2017 with a 90 day ramp-up period. By April, I was witnessing heavier censorship on Google with user comments being spam filtered all over the place. However, I had been tracking it since April of 2017. There's nothing sudden about the deployment of the surveillance and censorship program. Snowden and Assange have been sounding the alarm bells for years. We sleepy Hobbits just don't move as fast as the fires they keep lighting under our butts! They want a war and all this information makes it difficult to whip us into a frenzy of fear and ferocity against 'the enemy de jour'.

Meh! Is it dinnertime yet? :)