Censorship on STEEMIT - Tron episode 1

in #censorship5 years ago (edited)

After hostile takeover with help of exchanges now Justin Sun is planning another shit-show.

We noticed some activities on the official Github of Steemit inc. that puts certain posts in a blacklist.

Mostly posts related to Hive are getting blacklisted and won't show up on steemit.com

Likely they will put more posts into their blacklist.

A few posts that included in the blacklist:



And more:

["hiveio/announcing-the-launch-of-hive-blockchain", "anyx/it-s-time-to-decentralize", "steempeak/hive-and-url-changes", "steemitboard/steemitboard-shutdown-by-justin-sun", "roelandp/fork-you-hello-hive-my-new-home-are-you-coming-along-the-place-will-be-buzzing", "coruscate/acwmtxdz", "blocktrades/why-i-won-t-be-compromising-with-justin-sun", "andrarchy/i-support-hive", "smooth/hive-fork-announcement-smooth-and-burnpost", "taskmaster4450/hive-to-go-live-friday-sometimes-a-step-back-is-a-step-forward", "therealwolf/hive-the-blockchain-for-web-3-0", "kingscrown/binance-will-support-hive-split-chain-bittrex-odd-kyc-popup-on-login", "drakos/moving-to-hive", "bdcommunity/bdcommunity-supports-the-hive-blockchain", "pennsif/hive-news-18-march-2020-a-new-news-service-for-a-new-chain", "donekim/fork-hive", "kennyskitchen/n0nc735sj5e", "berniesanders/i-support-the-move-from-steem", "jrcornel/steem-hive-huobi-global-also-announces-they-will-support-hive-airdrop"]



Edit: Spread the word around the world. On-chain and off-chain.


And this is why we don't want a centralized blockchain run by the CCP.
In those changes is a new blacklist functionality, that literally connects to a random box in China to get an EXTRA blacklist from

The blocklist ip sits in this network range :

inetnum: -
netname:        ALISOFT
descr:          Aliyun Computing Co., LTD
descr:          5F, Builing D, the West Lake International Plaza of S&T
descr:          No.391 Wen'er Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 310099
country:        CN


This extra blacklist check means they don't even need to update condenser in the future, they can just push out new censorship mandates direct from China.

Thanks @justinsunsteemit for really proving our point, and giving #hive even more momentum and media attention!

NOTHING proves how correct we are to dump Justin and the virus spreading Chinese Communist Party and leave him to censor his own chain more than this.

I think the entire Steemit purchase could even be traced back to the CCP worrying about the future potential problem they will have trying to block arbitrary Steem now Hive front ends popping up and showing their oppressed and silenced people what is really going on in their country.

Annoymous Hive accounts should be promoted in all the significant Chinese languages and especially Mandarin, I'd really love to see a thriving underground Hive China movement.

This needs to be spread everywhere. Coindesk and all other crypto media need to report this!

Now that link returns an empty data array. They are now hiding the blacklist somewhere else

Hi @ausbitbank I had an idea to basically move all the SEO and content from steemit to hive, it would require us all manually doing it unless someone could create a tool, but please check out my idea at https://steemit.com/hive/@gringo211985/seo-solution-for-hive-io-let-s-take-our-content-with-us

BTW: here is the China's new internet law implemented on March 1st, 2020, be positive, or else, you get censored ^^

It's already implemented.

Screenshot from 20200319 172932.png

The censorship is on.

And suddenly Steem looks to be a much riskier investment than Hive.

It was from the beginning. This chain will die sooner than later. Sell pressure after the Hive hard fork will dump Steem value to 0.

Czesc @engrave

Selling pressure dla HIVE tez bedzie ogromne. Jesli nie wieksze. Prawda jest taka, ze wiekszosc ludzi zainwestowala realne pieniadze w zakup steem. A hive token dostana za darmo. Zasadniczo wiec juz sam ten fakt bedzie wplywal na podswiadoma wartosc steemu i watpie aby bylo wielu uzytkownikow chetnych do jego sprzedazy po cenach zblizonych do zera.

Jesli cena steemu poszybuje faktycznie w dol, to wydaje mi sie ze wiekszosc ludzi po prostu bedzie trzymala go i czekala na dalszy rozwoj wydarzen.


Moim zdaniem będzie inaczej. Ludzie przenoszący się na HIVE nie będą chcieli go sprzedawać, bo to jedyna droga rozwoju tego blockchainu. Steemit nie istnieje, wszyscy developerzy zrezygnowali, TRON nie ma developerów C/C++ i nie będzie w stanie rozwijać łańcucha. Co więcej - nie ma takiego zamiaru.

Okaże się już niedługo ;)

Yup, my post got censored too. Reposted it.

On steemit, or on all the frontends?
Edit: Seems only on steemit.
Why are you still using it, and not steempeak?

Clinging to it until the last minute with nostalgia.

Reaching your post is easy if you know that "something is wrong with this frontend". The problem is that many people use steemit by default. It's our job to notify everyone that there are different frontends and that one is censoring Hive content.

Wow, that's literally incredible. I'm gob-smacked and top that off with ausbitbanks revelation. Steem >>> SCREEETCH!! SPLAT!

Well, this kind of thing is the last nail in the coffin for me and probably for many others. Steem's main selling point was censorship resistance and when all it has left is steemit.com with Justin censoring everything he doesn't agree with then what's the point anymore?

So. Much. Wow.

Of course Steemit always had the option to not display certain content in the front end, and did utilize it in the past in cases of illegal activity, extreme spam, etc.

This represents a new low by Justin Sun, blacklisting posts discussing other blockchain projects! And the code highlighted by @ausbitbank is even more damning! Without full witness control, these changes can only be implemented to the display of posts... but once Sun centralizes Steem I have no doubt we’ll see outright censorship in the form of coordinated witness servers actually removing or disallowing certain posts from the blockchain itself.

See you all tomorrow on Hive!

I can't see him stopping there. What would stop him from blocking transactions of his "enemies"? The people who are against the sanctity of private property need to be dealt with after all.

Here's a version of the GitHub comparison link that uses commit hashes


The comparison based on branch names could change. Commit hashes ensure content-integrity.

Everything we feared about the Steemit centralization is now already a reality.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yesterday they censored my this post regarding hive.


I've never seen anything like that without something else going on. Strange indeed. Have an upvote.

Tnx for your support. We'll meet in hive.

Justine Sun is Chinese. Chinese people migrate to US and other first world nations in west and then promote communism and socialism. So not surprised that justine sun is PRO censorship. Stop giving power to immigrant chinese like him. Simple.

Hello from steemit where I read this post, so............

You know steem(it) hit bottom when these final hours before the HF are making facebook look real good and free! 😵

Censorship and blockchain don't go hand-in-hand.
They are exact opposites.
Steemit is no better than Facebook, Twitter, or any other conventional social medium.
This action proves that even that valuation is too high.
Steemit is a worthless system, ran by a dictator.

Steem, however, will live on, albeit under a different name.

No one can censor Steem

That's very correct NO TO CENSORSHIP.

I agree yet wonder, was the blacklist not something that was implemented to solve an issue on the STEEM blockchain?

That's different. Global Blacklist API mainly designed to only "mark" hackers and spammers.
Tron implemented this blacklist from scratch to hide posts completely. Also, more posts included in the tron blacklist is added to the post.I think you refer to Global Blacklist API by @themarkymark

Ahh yea you must be right... anyways I bet I’m in there 😉

In the future steemit will become a first in censored blockchain.

It looks like it is still showing up on the main page?

Yeah, still not implemented on the online site.

Edit: Implemented now. Censorship in action.

Yep, good catch!

Hahahhaha, what a stupid guy! He still believe can do anything against us

Wow! Hive it is then... Thanks for bringing this up.

This is...not good

Are they fucking hard coding posts that will not show up?:DDD

Yes, but created also an endpoint to get future post_ids to block ;) More of that, they used hivemind id's which are not consistent between nodes.

I am starting my own condenser. Right now, it only shows lists of posts. I am using React-JS and Typescript. I recommend using https://www.steempeak.com. There are many. Thanks mostly for the Free RPC nodes. I have always voted for witnesses than ran public/RPC nodes.

Isn't the market crazy though? 29 cent Steem, and $1.13 Steem Dollars.

Who cares about steemit.com anyway!

More people need to know about this.


See you all on Hive.

Just lol ... there is no other words

I can see it on steemit

It's not showing up on my steemit.com blog page any longer. It shows up on Busy.org but not on my steemit page.

Maybe it's an issue on your side, or maybe it's a cache problem on my side.


Another odd thing I just blogged about is that yesterday's 24 hr volume was more than the entire market cap of STEEM, and most of the buying was against KRW, so Koreans. Trying to get in on the HIVE airdrop to create mayhem on the new chain, perhaps?

So Justin is just proving the very reason why the community didn't want him in control in the first place. By Steem.. it has been lovely, but I refuse to sit and be censored, I'll censor myself thank you!

One day to go and the nightmare is over.

Lets get our Hive on.

What TRON is currently doing here is the best marketing campaign for Hive! See you on the bright side!

Welcome to Steemit... Embrace our censorship frenetic brand new policy! :-)

For us non-witnesses, is there an easy way to look up what the postid are?

export const _list_temp = [

There's no easy way, I looked up those post_id's in several hivemind databases and they gave completely different results. It turns out that hivemind assigns different post_id's on every database instance. Therefore, those post_id's are the ones present on Steemit's hivemind servers. I listed the corresponding posts here https://steemit.com/witness-category/@drakos/moving-to-hive-repost-because-tron-is-censoring-hive-related-posts

@triple.aaa @zzan.witnesses @steemhunt @steem-dragon @future.witness

is this the platform that you choose to support and be a witness for?

Steemhunt Posting Guidelines did it:I was always a bit suspicious if @steemhunt. Those 4 word in the

any type of weaponry.

There is something authoritarian about people who are opposed to weaponry. And we are not talking only guns here.

Given the circumstances I'll take silence as an answer.@elipowell, it's been a month, are you still free to post?

I am the first to be very harsh and critical of everything that is happening.

But without a doubt, this has led me a lot for a position.

Although I still think that witnesses should change many things in the new chain.

Among them, the bots, the way of voting, the curators ... Etc, etc, etc.

It seems to me that Justin is having a disgusting attitude and this corroborates this.. I hope this can be worked on. Not like Steemit, that was unreal.

Doesn't @justinsunsteemit understand that he makes things only worse with this kind of authoritarian actions. He shows his hand as evil dictator here.

!giphy awesome

Posted using Partiko Android

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

Wow. The excuse for the blacklist is a TOS violation now?

"[you will not] Use our services to promote third-party platforms or to promote each other without our written permission."

Low blow, Justin.

I don't know if this is related to the Justin Sun hostile takeover but my account is being falsely flagged as spam by steem cleaners. I tried to reason with them but they wouldn't show me proof or listen. Steem is really becoming a shit show. Time to move onto better platforms like Uptrennd, Publish0x etc.

that's awful! i wonder what happened, your posts look ehhh but nothing spam-level.