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RE: Weaponizing Tech Giants for Censorship

in #censorship7 years ago

Really enjoy the topics you write about, Krnel. This subject strikes at the root of what stands in the way of restoring democracy. Google, Apple and Facebook are NOT private companies. They are public companies and under the original charter that established corporate entities in the U.S.
they were severely restricted.
A corporate charter was granted for a limited time.
Corporations were explicitly chartered for the purpose of serving the public interest--profit for shareholders was the means to that end. Corporations could engage only in activities necessary to fulfill their chartered purpose. Corporations could be terminated if they exceeded their authority or if they caused public harm. Owners and managers were responsible for criminal acts they committed on the job. Corporations could not make any political contributions, nor spend money to influence legislation. A corporation could not purchase or own stock in other corporations, nor own any property other than that necessary to fulfill its chartered purpose. We need massive reform of corporate rights and responsibilities. Check out for more information on this important subject. Thanks, Krnel! Keep writing!


I agree, things should be different. The corporation are publicly traded entities, but their not publicly owned entities like a national corporation is, such as CBC or Hydro Quebec. A corporation can own things under the current way things are, and they own property and their services, and like any enterprise can choose to deny service to people much like we can deny entry to our property. If the shareholders don't have a problem with removing people from the platform, or even want it, then it can happen. Otherwise, who gets to decide how their services/product gets used if not them? It's not even being sold, but people freely join to use it according to the terms and services. If people were buying something like access, then it would be issue.