Hi! I’m Annie. Artist, live streamer, NSFW content creator and model. And most recently individual data ownership and decentralized systems advocate.
I came here to participate in a new economy. To meet people who also see the path to freedom and to have a place to share my work without censorship.
I got deep into learning about individual data ownership and decentralized systems after my second periscope account was disabled at 20k followers, my main sales funnel to my subscription sites. I followed all the guidelines and rules, and my account was removed with no warning or explanation. I reached to to the help center everyday for weeks with no response other than your account has been permanently suspended. That account was the documentation of 130 consecutive days of live streaming my yoga, hooping and music practices. It was a huge accomplishment in my life and I have no access to that content. It was upsetting to say the least so I started researching other platforms and systems where I could participate and not have all my hard work removed because someone thought it inappropriate. I’m a free spirited person who is comfortable with my body and sexuality, but I know the rules on all the platforms I participate on and I wasn’t breaking any of them. But anyways... in just a few days time I went down the rabbit hole and learned how our data is profited from, and how we have been completely taken advantage of. I wasn’t surprised. Actually it made the shadiness of the rest of the systems make a lot more sense. And it made the need to participate on different platforms and in different systems more important. I’ve been keeping notes and documenting my learning on Medium and Twitter. I also read articles, listen to podcasts and share information on this subject on my live streams on Bigo.
I’m not sure in what way I’ll be participating on here yet. I wear many hats, so I will try out some different things on here and see where I fit in. I’ve never participated in a system like this before, so I’m always open for suggestions and information to make my interactions here the best they can be. I hope to contribute to this community in a positive way. And I’ll leave it there for now. Thank you for having me!
GoneWild community with anticipation of a few dozen girls joining over the next few weeks more on this in a post shortly.A Happy welcome to @polyannie from the Dporn tribe team. As mentioned by @daltono ( thanks for mentioning us!) we provide the area for #nsfw related works. We are currently starting our onboarding initiative with the
We plan to have 3speak be our video/adult streaming for webcams. We have our own token we reward on our tribe here called Porn tokens. I know this is a lot to take in at the moment but glad to have you aboard and feel free to ask questions!
Hi! I can’t get my nsfw filters off. Tried a few different times. But really happy with what you’re doing.
Hello and thanks we are trying to make this the best adult decentralized platform.
As for adult filters you have to the "content " tab which is in settings and go to the first option there and hit "show" . Make sure you hit the "save settings" afterwards.
Got it! Thanks! If there’s anyway I can help or be a part, let me know!
Excellent! Yes, we have to strategize on how to onboard more sex workers to this place so if you have an suggestions do let us know. Glad you are part of this!
Def down to participate!!
Welcome @polyannie! If you use PeakD to post to Hive - it also has.lots of useful features, you can edit (all except the first) and at add up to 10. The first five are categories. I see you have had some pointers from @traciyork and @nickyhavey, so I won't be repeating that.
Once again, welcome and shout if you need help
Welcome to Hive!
You have finally found a new home it seems. Check out @dporn for #nsfw and @exhaust for anything #fitness, such as #yoga. You may also enjoy @abundance.tribe since you say you are a free spirit.
I'll give you a follow. Always ask any questions you have, someone will be willing to help always.
I see a Zoom with Arthur Brock from the Holo team on your MacBook Air screen. How cool! I supported Holo's Indiegogo and my buddy Micah does their social media.
Hi and thank you ! It took me a few days to break down all this and digest it all. But I’m feeling glad to be here.
I’m a huge supporter of Holochain and the work of Arthur Brock! I’ll probably be sharing a fair amount of Holochain content here along with my nsfw work.
I look forward to it!
No censorship around here so you don;t have to worry about your account being suspended or something. Nothing like that exists here.Welcome to Hive @polyannie, you are gonna love Hive!
That’s fantastic! Such a relief
You might consider editing this to include a video of you doing yoga, or sharing more about your research. Sort of like "Show don't tell" type thing. What is happening in the photos. etc.
I'd also recommend up where you have the post tags - "Censorship" "welcome" you include "posh" and "introduceyourself"
Once your post has more depth and length, you might also try crossposting it into the AskMe Community.
I would guess that after that, you might see more of a response, because you'll be kind of overdelivering, and sharing a lot, and opening up for more questions.
Which I think will motivate people to engage with you more.
Also the "introduceyourself" tag is a way that people do first posts.
Thanks for the feedback. I couldn’t remove the tags once I put them so I was kinda stuck with it. This is a different format than I’m used to using. I’m accustomed to making short posts that are more visual in nature. Pretty much the way I prefer to take in content... As few words as possible. Even crafting up a post this long was a challenge for me. I will consider your suggestions and continue to explore how to participate on here. Thank you!!
The AMA community here and I help moderate it. Be great to have you come over and let us ask some questions about your situation! welcome, to hive the future of everything :)
Hi! That’s Awesome. Would love to share my story and experiences with everyone
No problem.
Here's an example of an #introduceyourself that doesn't have much text, but includes video, this is what I was thinking about when I made that suggestion.
Yeah that’s great! Thanks. Wish I seen that before I jumped in but kinda glad I just jumped in and got to fully experience the embarrassment of trying something new. That feeling means growth and resilience!
welcome to hive have fun :)
Welcome. We dont have censprship on hive :D
So what are the rules around nsfw content?
Answer to both questions here:
Just use the #introduceyourself tag and put it where you put the other tags. You put in #censorship on this post, just add introduceyourself as the first tag..
Regarding the nsfw content, you can post it, just make sure you use the #nsfw tag. Maybe @eveuncovered got the time to charm in regarding the nsfw content rules? :D
Also. Make a post in #Introduceyourself tag, thats where alot of people are looking for new people :D
To be honest I’m not sure how to do that
Hey Annie! I just shouted out on Twitter, after checking to make sure this was really you. Welcome aboard and feel free to ask questions as you find your way around this platform - there are lots of friendly & helpful folks to lend a helping hand. Happy Hiving!
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/2)
Thank you so much! I appreciate ya ✨
You're very welcome!
I took a peek to see if I could find a current guide on using tags, and stumbled across this awesomesauce resource by @peakd. I think you'll find it useful (and I'm bookmarking it for future reference) -
And here's a general Bluffer's Guide (think Dummies/Idiots Guides, UK style) to Hive (yes, it says "Steem" but that's the blockchain Hive started on, so...😝 ) done by @nickyhavey, who has already shouted out in the comments -
Bluffer's Guide to STEEM - Getting Started, Networking and Growing Your Account
Hope this helps, and again - welcome! 😊
Thanks (TY) for the shout out @traciyork (TY) 😄 I'm going to have to go through those guides and change them to Hive for sure but the concepts are exactly the same anyway.
Hope you find it useful, there's plenty more where that came from! Always happy to help and will do my Bluffer's best 😜
Welcome to Hive - sorry to hear about that you were just suspended without warning - your content is safe here. If you do videos as well, @threespeak is a video platform for Hive that's all about freedom of expression.
Plenty of people to ask for help if you need it, just holla!
Thanks for having me! Everyone has been so helpful and welcoming.
That's the way it works on Hive! Lots of helpful people around and welcoming you in - you'll like it I'm sure. A little bit of a learning curve but if you focus on making posts and comments to begin with to settle in, then you'll have a great foundation!
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Welcome to HIVE! Definitely a great place to be :)
I hope you find it to be as awesome as I do!
Hi thanks!! So far it feels more like a community than anything I’ve experienced elsewhere.
Welcome to HIVE!
Welcome to Hive :) If you need anything or have issues, make sure and tag us here @hivepeople or on Twitter, same handle.
Hi and thank you! It took some time for me to create space for a new platform, but I’m ready!
Great that you're still here with us, been following you on twitter. If you need any assistance feel free to ask, I'll help out where I can.
Thank you much!
Welcome to hive, I am a bit late to the party, but wanted to give you a shout out anyhow. I think you will find that this platform is full of talented and diverse folk and we are all passionate about freedom and being able to create with no censorship in place. I would love to hear some of your music and to hear more about your life, welcome to our wonderful community xxxxx The natural medicine community is a great place to share your yoga as well xx
Hi and thanks!!
nice to meet you, i found you on twitter!
Nice to meet you! Glad you found me ☺️
Welcome. Certainly a pleasure to see more women making their way into the crypto-space.
In this male dominated industry be prepared to have it raining HIVE all over your posts.