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RE: In A Corporatist System Of Government, Corporate Censorship Is State Censorship

in #censorship6 years ago

Did you even read the article? Because it really doesn't look like it. You might wanna read more than just the title of an article because they usually have a lot more words and go into a lot more detail.

pgveer: "However much you foam, this is NOT censorship. That concept ONLY applies when it's done by government."
Caitlin: "And yet every time I point to the dangers of a few Silicon Valley plutocrats controlling all new media political discourse with an iron fist, Democratic Party loyalists all turn into a bunch of hardline free market Ayn Rands. "It's not censorship!" they exclaim. "It's a private company and can do whatever it wants with its property!""

pgveer: "However corporatist they are, tech giant and social media are private."
Caitlin: "In a corporatist system of government, wherein there is no meaningful separation between corporate power and state power, corporate censorship is state censorship. Because legalized bribery in the form of corporate lobbying and campaign donations has given wealthy Americans the ability to control the US government's policy and behavior while ordinary Americans have no effective influence whatsoever, the US unquestionably has a corporatist system of government. Large, influential corporations are inseparable from the state, so their use of censorship is inseparable from state censorship."
"Either (A) corporations are indeed private organizations separate from the government, in which case the people need to get money out of politics and government agencies out of Silicon Valley so they can start acting like it, and insist that their owners can't be dragged out on to the Senate floor and instructed on what they can and can't do with their business, or (B) these new media platforms get treated like the government agencies they function as, and the people get all the First Amendment protection that comes with it."