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RE: People are awakening

in #censorship7 years ago

they just want to make people upset as much as possible, because there is no other way for average human to grow spiritually other then to experience extremes of suffering. at least, that is how they see it. end goal is not really to destroy humanity, it is to tighten the grip on humanity's choices and in process reveal more of what always was underneath the surface. this is the grand plan that was forged centuries ago by the original illuminatis, who were to some degree really enlightened. problem ultimately is not that they want to make you suffer, problem at the root is that you are incapable of spiritual progress in any other way yet spiritual progress is absolutely crucial at this day and age. given the opportunity i am sure average person would be worse then those that you criticize, much worse. what is possible in coming decades is a short relapse of extreme form of fascism and a golden age after that, provided humanity proves it is worthy of it by conquering the suffering that was bestowed upon them

so, really, with these videos you are just helping their ultimate agenda. maybe your even on their payroll. you are doing nothing more other then amplifying the negative charge that is desperately needed at this day and age, because of extremes of moral corruption call for extremes of suffering to balance things out and facilitate growth. i am ofcourse talking in broad terms, i am sure there are many good and honest people that dont deserve to suffer yet they will be swept with the tide none the less. also czechoslovakia doesnt exist lol