Steemit's TOS and policy is that they will comply with EU laws. EU is passing laws now that make it illegal for you to do many various things. You should take a hard look into it and Steemit's TOS.
They say they will ban people who break their TOS, breaking their TOS includes breaking EU laws(where applicable). Posting screen shots of a news story, posting a crituque of a news story without paying the "link tax"(you have to pay the Main Stream Media to even comment on their content or link to it, YES I am serious), posting something "offensive" which can be a stupid meme that pisses somseone off.
Many many many things can get you banned from Steemit and or fined/thrown in jail for EU new laws. Ifeel for the people of the EU, it is a corrupt entity that has unelected people making decisions for the entire EU. It sucks, don't go to jail!
i almost want to downvote this post because i feel like you should be able to see past this made up problem
Steemit is only a proof of concept. end of story. it was never intended to be the face of the blockchain. the solution to all of your problems is in creating a new interface in which we initially only invite the people over that create the kind of content that we want, so that it will set the stage for the masses that come later
I know that, but most people dont know that. They think Steemit WAS that solution. Most people didn't read TOS so they have no idea my man. This is more of an alert to everyone than anything.