Sickness Over!

in #cent2 years ago

Although I've been sick this entire week, today I am feeling so much better than I was. The sickness really destroyed my energy when I was feeling down in the dumps.

Not going to lie, the sickness beat my ass. It wasn't the Flu... It wasn't covid... According to the doctors they aren't entirely too sure what the virus is, but they know for sure that it was a viral infection. My taste buds were fine, but my nose was very congested. Cold sweats every night, and shivering commenced as well, it was pretty bad for a while. The coughing wasn't too bad, I was expecting to be coughing up a lung like my sister, but I was saved from that part of the sickness. The fatigue was absolutely killer, my muscles were burning, and unable to move. Sleeping stiff was a regular experience during the night, and waking up in pain was common.

I'm really glad that all this is almost over... I still probably have another long night of rest until I'm 100%, but I suppose I can say that my sickness is over!


Still, not yet, we've still got another few more days, sadly.

This is taking much longer than expected.

I'm sorry for the illness. Feel better soon! My family caught the famous bug last year in November, I lost my sense of smell completely, but slowly it came back after a few weeks. Then this spring, March, the aftertaste (smell) of things like certain spices and foods like onions and garlic tasted very odd. It's been like this for months, even now (although it's improved) I can't bear onions and garlic and bell peppers. It's not as bad as when it first began, but it's still annoying. Nine months of distorted smell.

I wrote a blog about it: