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RE: A pain in the neck...

in #cent12 hours ago

Do you not think that this is a case where the www fucks with people's minds? I mean c'mon NHS, really? suggesting cancer, suggesting meningitis? that really only appeals to the doom scrollers.

of course with an all encompassing caveat of ".....other health conditions" to me it is pretty pointless and dangerous, no wonder it is virtually impossible to pass the guardians of hell and get a GP appointment, as they are fully booked up dealing with people who think they are near their last breath.

Good to see that natural remedies improved and recovered you, something that I always go to when needed, homeopathy, works for me stimulates the body, loved by the body, hated and scorned by the big pharma global drug suppliers.

Mother nature will look after us, if not then pop a couple of cocodamol LOL


I think just less time online is the universal cure here!