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RE: A friend of mine from SoMee had a bad experience on Hive

in #cent2 years ago (edited)

I did inform @traciyork I have been made an admin to the blog I was writing for yet she started going on an unfair downvote spree on all posts to erase the weeks earnings and continued to do so for weeks. When explained that many community members appreciate my educational somee content, she brought a hang of hivers creating a downvote campaign to counter my point in retaliation with a malicious and unfair continued downvote.

In addition, I also explained that in my content it includes a 'hyper link' of the Awesme Tutorial website link where when included in the post is probably creating an image link after the post is published (which was a bug at the time as it was under development and with many bugs and issues as it was a fairly new platform created) that made it seem like the same image, when all it was is this below hyper link that allows users to visit the somee educational site:

Contacting us on:

Also to add, during the time, I dis not know who hivewatchers were. I thought it was a community member using the hive name as their user name and just unfairly attacking with downvotes without fair explanation

It's very important to understand, that we may belong to different platform tribes but belong to the same Social Community. Understanding is vital and what may seem wrong may not exactly be.

The website bugs and lack of consideration of my Admin role for both Awesme Tutorials site and SoMee project should have been taken into account. Nevertheless, I really appreciate everyone's participation in resolving this to get my account reinstated and more importantly grateful to @greywarden100 for his support and concern.


I did inform @traciyork I have been made an admin to the blog I was writing for yet she started going on an unfair downvote spree on all posts to erase the weeks earnings and continued to do so for weeks. When explained that many community members appreciate my educational somee content, she brought a hang of hivers creating a downvote campaign to counter my point in retaliation with a malicious and unfair continued downvote.

Nope. I downvoted your posts three times back in December 2022, and each time with an explanation. I have no idea why you think that months after that, I'd launch some sort of "downvote campaign" on your account, but whatever the reason for the downvotes are, they have nothing to do with me.

You were also directed to a post by Hive Watchers & what they do for the community in the comment section of your intro post (along with other helpful links with info about the Hive community), but if you want to continue to claim that no one has explained anything to you, that's your prerogative.

Best if luck to you.