There's So Much Time

in #centlast year

Most people carry the impression that they don't have time for this or time for that. But the real question is - what do you do with all the 24 hours that you have in a day? If you sit down properly to think about how huge 24 hours is, then you'll probably understand that the problem isn't time, the problem is how much of yourself and your energy you put into your time.

Just imagine for a second, a person who knows exactly what he wants in life. Who knows the difficult tasks that he must do everyday. And imagine that he doesn't hesitate or waste time in execution. Can you imagine how much useful work, such a person will get done in a day? It will be impressive, I'm sure you'll agree.

Thus, you should really stop saying or thinking that you don't have enough time. Because even the wealthy men, and men who made themselves into millionaires from nothing still used just 24 hours a day. So you must realize that saying you don't have enough time is the lousiest excuse any human can make.

If you're complaining that you don't have enough time. What do you want then? Do you want the creator of this world to give you some extra hours in a day, because you're a special human being or what? Hence, you have to trash the idea of insufficient time to do all you've got to do in a day.

Embrace the fact that if you're not getting much done, it's a personal problem you're having on your own discipline and how you apply your energy into your day. And if you want that to change and you want to see positive results in your life and productivity level - you have to use each and every second in your day. Be clear on your goals and don't hesitate when executing.