to argue that there is no evidence you have to believe that it is possible, but you need evidence to prove it.
Not believing is when the word GOD is just a word that you simply don't care who says it or why they say it
to argue that there is no evidence you have to believe that it is possible, but you need evidence to prove it.
Not believing is when the word GOD is just a word that you simply don't care who says it or why they say it
its just an idea not a word*
an idea is something that requires belief, a word is just a word
idea: "any conception existing in the mind as a result of mental understanding, awareness, or activity."
Conception: "the way in which something is perceived or regarded."
I can regard it as an idea that does not exist
"to argue that there is no evidence you have to believe that it is possible"
Unicorns are real, disprove me
oh wait
if you believe that unicorns are real, then they are real