in #cervantes7 years ago


Achieving success is one of the expectations that most human beings have, but not everyone knows how to achieve it. It is up to each person how to be successful. In this particular case, 13 reasons have been established that prevent reaching success, which means that they are some of the reasons why we become one and each one of us has different goals, behaviors and ways of being.

The first thing we have to do is to identify in each one of us the proposed limitations that are outlined in these 13 motivations, for this we will make a self-assessment as sincerely as possible, taking as sample the 13 motivations established and in the end we will have one or several negative motivations that prevent us from achieving the desired success; We have proposed the desired success as a goal of life ?, well then identified our motivational impediments, we will look for the way and way to overcome them.

In my particular case and identified in my behavior the following motivations that are indicated in the list of 13 that was delivered to us.
Let your emotions dominate you. I think that sometimes my nerves prevent me from developing some activities with fullness, creating frustration when I do not achieve what I set out to do.

Let you get discouraged by others. There are times when I let myself be influenced by opinions that end up being negative, which has caused some projects not to be concluded successfully, realizing to me that I should not have listened and I should have followed the plan with greater security.
Identified and recognized the constraints that could block success, I think I must do and do my part to overcome these negative behaviors, if not overcome, it would be necessary to seek professional help. Of course, I must first have a macro life project to know what I want that I want, to be able to plan with achievable goals.


Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture challenge. Good Luck.