Cervantes Magazine Number 18

in #cervantes7 years ago

[Cervantes Magazine- Vol 18]

Every day we find ourselves with the end of something because the most important quality of life is and always will be death.

The sciences and religions define different types of deaths such as spiritual, social, economic, political and even the death of God. However, humans face Death, physical death, that which marks the end of existence. The world continues without the one who has died because that is how cruel the world is ... it keeps turning.

Death, rather than a definition, is a process that usually begins with the decrease of oxygen supply to the brain and continues with neuronal death and later somatic death, that is, the total and irreversible cessation of all organs and systems of the organism, which cause damage to the cell membrane and the subsequent necrosis.

Death is dissected into many scientific explanations of all kinds, including trying to prove life after death with claims that are disputed by other scientists.

The fact of non-existence overwhelms us, it is natural, it is part of the programming of our brain not to think about our own death, [this is a defense mechanishm that when it is overlooked, the alarms go off since something does not work correctly ] (https://www.cronica.com.ar/suplementos/El-cerebro-y-el-acto-del-suicidio-20180121-0016.html). Yes, we have a filter that does not let us think about our own death in a realistic way. We know it is there, it will reach us ... we can talk about our funeral, even joke; but our brain neutralizes these deviations.

Religions are different philosophies that help us think about death in a positive way, in order to advance in our existence, since it is not the death of the body that torments us, it is the death of conscience ... the thought that Everything learned in this life will disappear with our death and our "I" will no longer exist, moves us.

In short, Death, thin or ethereal, has become a character in our lives. It has dedicated songs, TV series, paintings, dances, movies and even children's films ... nothing escapes the motivation Death causes.

That's why @Cervantes sits today in front of a glass of wine and presents:

This week for the Magazine Sainetes section, I asked the Cervantes friends some questions:

  1. What other meanings does death have for you?
  2. What does death mean to you in your dreams?
  3. If they could revive someone from death, which 3 famous characters would they be and why?

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Hello, Steemit community! I think that more than one of you has heard the popular saying "Too much of anything is bad" as a warning that if you obsess over something, possibly this same thing will harm you in the future and in the world of videogames It is very easy to get to this point. The problem is that sometimes you don’t have time to regret, because the obsession can take you to the grave.

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Death is a serious matter, we don’t know of anyone who has come back from death in modern times and has become a Youtuber to tell us about the afterlife ... There is a guy named Jesus who said he was resurrected, but that was more than two thousand years ago and the story is not 100% reliable. In other religions there are also resurrections or paradises with great parties and an eternity of luxury, but we have the same problem; No one has returned from death and told us what the matter is about.

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According to official sources, Death will leave on vacation next week. The exact dates of her holiday period are unknown, but people close to her have stated that she will surely take a sabbatical year.

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Writer Anne Rice has changed, and a lot. Her literary work could be divided into two stages, one dark and interesting and one "luminous" and boring. It is in the first stage in which we will concentrate, constituted basically by the first 5 books of the "Vampire Chronicles" and some parallel sagas such as the Lives of The Mayfair Witches. Only the first book will be addressed: "Interview with the vampire".

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In the year 2014, the ABC website, revealed that each day, about 10,000 DECEASED PERSONS were tagged,received a birthday card or a FRIENDSHIP REQUEST on Facebook.

Can you die on the Internet?

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Cervantes Related is back, the section open to the whole community.

This week @cervantes is submerged in death, Do you write, sing, can you record a video? Tell us about death, express your point of view and make The Cervantes Magazine your own space.

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Welcome once again to the music section. Today we will talk about death, but not only about that, but how to turn the arrival of death into a work of art.

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death, I decided to contribute with what I do best, playing music. For this occasion I chose a song from one of my favorite bands, Radiohead, which deals with the topic of letting go of a loved one and achieving peace about it.Since this week the @cervantes magazine team is talking about a topic as elementary as

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We are all afraid of death, we defend ourselves against it. Even the economic, political and monetary systems.

Could it be that the monetary system also defends itself? And if that is true, will it be because it presages its death?

In short, dear readers, the best thing about death is that it reminds us that we are alive; Let's live with each cell of our body and prolong our life through our creations, recording every idea or dream in the blockchain.

Welcome Mrs. Death, we receive you as we receive a close relative, hoping that neither his hand is not so cold, nor his memory so trivial.

If nothing saves us from death, then let love saves us from life
(Pablo Neruda)

Don’t forget:

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on this page https://steemit.com/~witnesses

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Cervantes Magazine Team





@Enric68 (@senoralonchafina)



[Cervantes Magazine- Vol 18]


Voted for witness.
If we all die one day. Nobody will live. But in life, people live forever with their good works.

Death is inevitable

Great text, no doubt death represents a great unknown to all people, in reality there is no single answer since science, religion (each) have different answers

I beg to differ a little. Though we take measures to defend ourselves, not every one of us is afraid of death. Why should we fear something that is inevitable? As a matter of fact, everyone should live with it in view.

Estoy realizando un estudio sobre la percepción de la misma. Espero finalizarlo a mediados de este año.
Te felicito por abordar esta temática.
Probablemente yo tome alguna referencia de ella, con la debida cita, claro está
Afectuoso saludo.@cervantes. Aun cuando asusta a muchos tocar este asunto, el tema tiene para mí un especial atractivo.

nice and we'll informative writeup you have composed,i appreciate your wonderful work in contributing to this platform,keep up this good vibes

Great text my friend, big up nd continue !!! nice job

Great Story Death is our last enemy, so let us work well without looking at who, and at least we will live in peace. @karlita

Saludos, este tema es profundo de entender ya que no sabemos a ciencia cierta que sucede con nosotros al momento de morir, es un total misterio. Otro misterio es el de las personas que no conocieron la muerte y se fueron con DIOS como Enoc y Elias, Que según la palabra no conocieron la muerte sino que se fueron con Dios. de Enoc dice la palabra (Gen 5:24) Caminó, pues, Enoc con Dios, y desapareció, porque lo llevó Dios” y de Elias dice en (2 Reyes 2:10), pero “Aconteció que mientras ellos iban caminando y hablando, un carro de fuego, con caballos de fuego, los apartó a los dos, y Elías subió al cielo en un torbellino. 12 Al ver esto, Eliseo clamó: «¡Padre mío, padre mío! ¡Carro de Israel y su caballería!» Y nunca más lo vio. Ahora pregunto yo ¿Dios les cambio el cuerpo carnal por el espiritual al llevarse a Enoc y a Elias? ¿puede estar el hombre en los lugares celestes donde esta Dios con un cuerpo carnal? si alguien tiene tiene la respuesta le agradecería me la dijera...

La muerte es lo contrario de la vida. Entramos en un profundo sueño sin soñar Solo estamos muertos, no pensamos, no respiramos, no sufrimos y no vemos.
Usted lo ha dicho: " la calidad de vida más importante es y siempre será la muerte"
Si pudiera resucitar a alguien le daría vida a mi papá, es para mí el personaje mas famoso.
Lázaro, amigo de Jesús, resucitó y si no habló de nada espectacular es porque solo estaba inconciente.
Jesús, el hijo de Dios, también fue resucitado. Dios ó Jehová es el único con el poder suficiente para resucitar a los muertos, y así lo hará. "No se maravillen de esto, porque viene la hora en que todos los que están en las tumbas conmemorativas oirán su voz 29 y saldrán, los que hicieron cosas buenas a una resurrección de vida, los que practicaron cosa viles a una resurrección de juicio" (Juan 5: 28, 29).

Un tema bastante fuerte pero necesario que lleva a la comprensión del proceso de la vida humana. Felicitaciones.

Excellent @cervantes. Thanks for sharing!.

Great Post. Indeed death is a very complicated subject. Everyone has a different way of seeing it. The funny thing is that if you really think about it. The only certain thing we have in life is actually death, everything else is uncertain. So why fear it when it’s inevitable? For me, death is worst for the living because we are the ones that have to stay around trying to live on with the empty hearted missing our loved ones when they pass away. So Yeah. Life sucks.