Buenos días, hoy os traigo una reparación del móvil de mi mujer que el pobre ya ha sufrido alguna batalla en su piel y necesita un poco de cariño jeje.
Good morning, today I bring you a repair of my wife's mobile that the poor man has already suffered a battle in his skin and he needs a little affection hehe.
(foto original @jesusgv84)
(foto original @jesusgv84)
Este terminal es un iPhone 7 plus de 256 gb y originalmente era negro mate, a mi mujer le gustaba mucho el chasis rosa y se le cambio a este color. Después de algún tiempo en rosa se ha cansado y el puerto de carga ha empezado a dar fallo con lo cual es el momento perfecto para darle un poco de vidilla.
This terminal is a 256 GB iPhone 7 plus and originally it was matte black, my wife really liked the pink chassis and it was changed to this color. After some time in pink it has gotten tired and the charging port has started to fail, which is the perfect time to give it a little bit of life.
(foto original @jesusgv84)
(foto original @jesusgv84)
(foto original @jesusgv84)
Compramos el puerto de carga, nuevo chasis negro mate y batería nueva al 100%. Después de esto el terminal recupero su esplendor de antaño y su funcionalidad completa.
We bought the charging port, new matte black chassis and 100% new battery. After this the terminal recovered its former splendor and its full functionality.
(foto original @jesusgv84)
(foto original @jesusgv84)
(foto original @jesusgv84)
Éste terminal a mi parecer a pesar de su tiempo sigue siendo una herramienta solvente para trabajar y ocio y su bajo peso es maravilloso junto a su pantalla, aparte es de los últimos con botón.
This terminal in my opinion, despite its time, is still a solvent tool for work and leisure and its low weight is wonderful next to its screen, apart from being one of the last ones with a button.
(foto original @jesusgv84)
Un cordial saludo y nos leemos en próximos post.
A cordial greeting and we will read in the next post.
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