Hey girl, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and you are lovely and love the photos and amazing too and I love to travel too.
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Hey girl, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and you are lovely and love the photos and amazing too and I love to travel too.
Hola chico, graciass! jejeje! como es eso que eres Harina de Avena?
Joey un gusto conocerte! Se siente la emoción con la que escribes, Si me gustan las fotos, pero otras veces, soy perfeccionista y digo? ayyy no quedaron como quería! jaja bueno es cuestion de gustos!
I am Oatmeal, hehe, because I love to eat Oatmeal and you are what you eat.
Ahhh, jajajajajajajajaja!
Hi boy, thanks! hehehe! How is that you are Oatmeal?
Joey, nice to meet you! You feel the emotion with which you write, If I like photos, but other times, I'm a perfectionist and I say? ayyy they were not as I wanted! haha good is a matter of taste!
so you have been kind use the google translator and I returned to place the answer but in English!
Hehe, hey girl, hola, hello, yeah, I can translate with Google Translator like you said..... me too, I love to take photos too and I am a perfectionist too.