Hola a todos los miembros de ésta comunidad Hive, les cuento que hace 5 años tuve la oportunidad de participar en la caminata “Peregrinación de San Sebastián”. Es una tradición que tiene más de 20 años, la cual es organizada y dirigida por una Fundación llamada “San Sebastián”, ella se dedica a ayudar a muchos habitantes del pueblo de Ocumare.El recorrido de la caminata es de 42 kilómetros, que inicia desde una zona de Maracay que se llama El Limón en el estado Aragua, hasta la iglesia del pueblo de Ocumare de la Costa en el mismo estado.
Hice ésa travesía y experiencia deportiva con mi hijo Ulises y mi amiga Dolores, es una gran prueba física pero sobre todo de resistencia, valor y coraje.
Hello to all the members of this Hive community, I tell you that 5 years ago I had the opportunity to participate in the "San Sebastian Pilgrimage" walk. It is a tradition that has more than 20 years, which is organized and directed by a Foundation called "San Sebastian", she is dedicated to helping many people in the village of Ocumare.
The route of the walk is 42 kilometers, which begins from an area of Maracay called El Limón in the state of Aragua, to the church of the town of Ocumare de la Costa in the same state.
I made this journey and sport experience with my son Ulises and my friend Dolores, it is a great physical test but above all of resistance, courage and bravery.

Se debe estar en el punto de encuentro a las 5:00 am y la partida es a las 6:00 am, es un recorrido de subida de la montaña, donde encontramos a lo largo del camino sombra de los árboles, clima frío de montaña, manantiales, aire fresco y puro, el cantar de los pájaros y sobretodo la compañía de muchas personas que al paso del camino uno va conociendo.
You must be at the meeting point at 5:00 am and the departure is at 6:00 am, it is a journey up the mountain, where we found along the way shade of the trees, cold mountain weather, springs, fresh and pure air, the singing of the birds and above all the company of many people that along the way one gets to know.

Todo ese recorrido de subida hasta llegar el punto llamado "Rancho Grande, hasta allí son 20 kilómetros. En ése punto tomamos un pequeño descanso para la hidratación, cambio de zapatos, fotos u otra cosa que sea necesaria
All that way up to the point called "Rancho Grande, up to there it is 20 kilometers. At this point we take a short break to hydrate, change shoes, take pictures or do anything else that is necessary.

Here with energy and knowing that the goal is not far away

We are already entering the town of Ocumar
Me despido, no sin antes decirles que la Caminata de San Sebastián es una actividad "MARAVILLOSA" y que nunca olvidaré...
I say goodbye, not before telling you that the San Sebastian Walk is a "WONDERFUL" activity and that I will never forget...
Gracias por pasar por mi post y leer mi experiencia inolvidable.
Thanks for stopping by my post and reading about my unforgettable experience.

Todo el contenido presentado en el post es de mi absoluta propiedad si deseas utilizarlo, puedes comunicarte conmigo.
All the content presented in the post is my absolute property. If you want to use it, you can contact me.
- For the translation of the text Spanish - English I used: https://www.deepl.com/es/translator. Very good I recommend them.
- For the elaboration and design of the separator bar I searched from the Web in google: https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/597782550515919764/
- I copied the Hive logo from this link: https://peakd.com/@mayorfaruk/another-mock-up-logo-design-for-hive-blog
- For the elaboration and presentation of my logo I did it with the image from google: https://www.google.com/search?q=abeja+animadas&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQz4O-nfXrAhUt01kKHQ1MAC4Q_AUoAXoECAw&biw=1422&bih=730
If you want to know more about the San Sebastian walk I leave you the link: https://www.google.com/search? q=caminata+de+san+sebastian&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=WUpE6_cPXJG3PM%252CKC_afLC9dDM33M%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_- kRfl0nP_R5KXLJ8UxqtFy6csZzPhw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8-ee67vPrAhVDiFkKHQKHDIcQ_h16BAgNEAc#imgrc=PQgBf039uZXJHM
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Hi Hive Watchers,
@hivewatchers thanks for your observation and guidance, I'm really new to the site and I still don't know how to make the appointment, I'll look into it, for now I'll edit the post. I will take your comment into account.