[Eng/Esp] #Fotografía - Un Cobertizo

in #cervantes5 years ago

Buen día amigos. El día de hoy quisiera compartirles las siguientes fotografías del archivo.

Hello and good day friends. Today I'll like to share you the next photos from the archive.


ISO100 f/1.8 35mm 1/800

Y es que aquí en México estamos en la etapa más alta de contagio de la pandemia de COVID-19. Incluso, Hidalgo, el estado donde vivo, es uno de los focos rojos del país, así que de momento hemos tratado de mantenemos el mayor tiempo en casa y seguir lo mejor posible las recomendaciones de sana distancia.

Las fotos se tratan de un pequeño cobertizo ubicado en la antigua central de ferrocarril de Tula de Allende. La estación se reacondicionó como un lugar donde se pueden tomar clases y talleres de música, baile y pintura.

El pequeño cobertizo parece ser bastante viejo y no se le dio mantenimiento. Quiero imaginar que la gente del aseo lo ocupa para guardar sus cosas.

Here on Mexico, we're in the highest stage of the COVID-19 pandemia. Actually, Hidalgo, the state were I live, is one of the red zones on the country, and that's why at the moment I've been trying to stay the most at home and follow the directions of healthy distance.

The photos are from a shed located on the old train station of Tula de Allende. The station was reconditioned as a place were you can have differents music, dance and painting classes.

The little shed looks really old and it didn't have proper manteinment. I want to think that cleaning staff use it to keep their stuffs.


ISO100 f/4.0 18mm 1/320

Sin duda alguna le da un poco de carácter y autenticidad al lugar.

Without doubt it gives the place lots of character and auntenticity.


ISO100 f/4.0 18mm 1/320

Es bastante común ver en la zona gente ejercitarse ya que la estación es paso obligado para uno de los senderos que se han habilitado.

It's pretty common see people around exercising because near the station exist a new enabled trail.


ISO100 f/4.0 35mm 1/800

Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi Canon Rebel T7i y un Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 Art. La edición se hizo con Snapseed desde un Samsung Note 9.

Espero les hayan gustado las fotos. Déjenme un comentario y díganme cual les gustó más.

Hasta la próxima.

The photos were taken with my Canon Rebel T7i and a Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 Art. The editing app was Snapseed from a Samsung Note 9.

I hope you liked the photos. Let me a comment and tell me which one you like the most.

Till next time.


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Old places like that always gives us nice oportunities to take cool photos! And in black and white, it gives more contrast and make things even cooler! Thanks! :D

Thanks for visit the post and letting your comment!

Have a great day and greetings from Mexico.

black and white polish make these photos look very charming

Glad you like them!

Thanks for the visit and hope you are having a great day.

wow beautiful photographs my friend..
Nice post..


Glad you like them.

I don't know why, but the first two photos catch my attention. Good job

Glad you like them.

Thankd for the visit.

Stay safe!