Presentation post

in #cervantes8 years ago

Hello everyone, today I wanted to make a mini presentation post that was the first thing I was suggested to do within the community so here we go XD.

My name is Karlos Luis carpio ordoñez (yes, my name is with k) I am 23 years old and I am originally from Venezuela specifically from the city of Barquisimeto of Lara state.

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I joined the Steemit community recently because of a video I saw that talked about the subject, I love the fact that you can upload your own content and get certain benefits because Steemit makes it easier to make small informative blogs and publications of several Topics in general and content that everyone is passionate about talking about.

I want to take advantage of the way in which I grew this site to increase my income and to have economic stability although the situation of my country is not the most adequate for that

My experience in Steemit has been very pleasant, because although I have only a short time in this platform I have been able to see great variety in the post and in the community, so that you can get to know many people and their opinions on too much things we have feedback.

The content that I will be publishing in the near future will be topics on the world of manga, anime and video games, although I will also make certain post about art and my studies in the graphic design career that I am currently studying, so if you want to know more stay Pending and do not forget to help sharing with your friends, thank you for taking the time to read my publication.

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Greetings to all the English-speaking community in Steemit and my Venezuelan brothers, I also want to send greetings to @ jesdn16 who was the one who urged me to enter this community

see you next time!!



Good to meet you Karlos! Welcome to the Steemit community! Looking forward to what you have to share!