en lo que viene siendo la nueva versión 2.1 de un ya nombrado juego XD, se ven algunas mejoras algunas peores que otras pero como ya lo he dicho con anterioridad nosotros como jugadores no tenemos margen en lo que haga o no la compañía en si, lo único en lo que si se podría opinar es en las pequeñas grandes diferencias que se notan al ir haciendo exploraciones he otras cosas como lo son misiones he demás, no es que sea lo mejor pero tampoco es lo peor se espera que esto sea el comienzo de lo poco en lo que viene trabajando la compañía en si, saludos viajeros los leeré en otra redacción
In what has been the new version 2.1 of an already named XD game, some improvements are seen, some worse than others, but as I have said before, we as players have no margin in what the company itself does or does not do. The only thing that if you could comment is in the small big differences that are noticed when doing explorations I have other things such as missions I have others, it is not that it is the best but it is not the worst it is expected that this is the beginning of What little the company itself has been working on, greetings travelers, I'll read them in another newsroom
(1/1) gave you LUV.
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LUV level requirements were changed. See the About page for current numbers.@nahueldare3627
(1/1) gave you LUV.
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LUV level requirements were changed. See the About page for current numbers.@elgringoviejo
(1/1) gave you LUV.
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LUV level requirements were changed. See the About page for current numbers.@nayfull
(1/1) gave you LUV.
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LUV level requirements were changed. See the About page for current numbers.@familiadare
hola, te recomiendo que subas las imagenes a paginas como "imgur.com" o "pinterest.com" luego copies el url para subirlas a tu blog, esto te hará ocupar menos recursos y aun así tener un post mas llamativo. Tambien si quieres subir contenido muy pequeño como un Twitter te recomiendo usar https://d.buzz aqui podrás usar hive como si fuera una copia de la reconocida red social del pajarito azul
volví, cuando vas a volver a escribir vos?
(1/1) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
LUV level requirements were changed. See the About page for current numbers.@cuervoh
(1/1) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
LUV level requirements were changed. See the About page for current numbers.@hernan86
(1/1) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
LUV level requirements were changed. See the About page for current numbers.@floor93
(1/1) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
LUV level requirements were changed. See the About page for current numbers.@lukdanser
@becaisa1, sorry! You need more $LUV to use this command.
The minimum requirement is 10.0 LUV in your liquid wallet.
More LUV is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex
(1/1) gave you LUV.
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(1/1) gave you LUV.
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