My early 2018 is off to a rough start, with my running curtailed by an abdominal injury that won't seem to heal up. At the moment I suspect it's a groin/inguinal disruption (formerly known as a "sports hernia", sometimes known as "athletic pubalgia", but mercifully renamed to avoid confusion with the very common "real" hernia, such as an inguinal or hiatal hernia). I have a dr. appt scheduled but with CES next week, I won't get in until the 16th.
This site has been a valuable resource and I'm working hard on their repair protocol:
This site has also been helpful although far more oriented toward surgical intervention as the only path forward:
Right now my only goal is to recover and not lose much fitness. Oddly, the things that hurt the most are: running, yoga, sitting up out of bed, and sneezing. Sneezing is the worst, feels like my right testicle is being hit with a hammer. This is unpleasant, to say the least. But I don't enjoy sneezing anyways. Running and yoga - I love those. So stopping them sucks. Walking hurts if I take a long step and extend my hip. Cycling and weight lifting cause no pain. I'm hoping I can hang onto most of my fitness while this heals up, which best case will be 6 weeks of dedicated rehab.
The last few years have given me more practice than I care for in gracefully changing course when circumstances dictate. I've struggled with a lower back/SI joint injury, strained Achilles, and a horrible bout of eczema. But through all that I have still made progress and learned a bunch about my body (much as my knee problems 15 years ago taught me a lot). So I'm fiercely hanging onto my optimism.
I'm doing a lot of work on my nutrient tracking mobile app and therefore testing a lot of nutrition apps. So I'm tracking my macros with MyFitnessPal and it's been illuminating although not terribly surprising.
I'm looking forward to CES, I'll be there with a pretty full schedule of Firstbeat meetings and one or two with Motiv (my two main clients), then I'll fill in my remaining "free time" reconnecting with a bunch of colleagues and friends and seeing what's new. CES is a madhouse but it's the price you pay for having everyone together at one time. I'll post later on the things I'm focused on for the show.
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