PayPal Customer Service Phone Number (831) 574-2585PayPal Holdings, Inc. is an American worldwide monetary innovation organization working an online installments framework in most of nations that help online cash moves, and fills in as an electronic option in contrast to customary paper techniques, for example, checks and cash orders. The organization works as an installment processor for online merchants, sell off locales and numerous other business clients, for which it charges an expense.
Set up in 1998 as Confinity, PayPal opened up to the world through an IPO in 2002. It turned into a completely claimed auxiliary of eBay soon thereafter, esteemed at $1.5 billion. In 2015, eBay turned off PayPal to eBay’s investors and PayPal turned into a free organization once more. The organization was positioned 134th on the 2021 Fortune 500 of the biggest United States partnerships by income.
PayPal was initially settled by Peter Thiel, Luke Nosek and Max Levchin, in December 1998 as Confinity, an organization that created security programming for handheld gadgets. It had no accomplishment with that plan of action, notwithstanding, so changed its concentration to an advanced wallet. The principal rendition of the PayPal electronic installments framework was dispatched in 1999.
In March 2000, Confinity converged with, an online monetary administrations organization established in March 1999 by Elon Musk. Musk was idealistic about the future accomplishment of the cash move business Confinity was creating. Musk and Bill Harris, then, at that point president and CEO of, differ about the likely future accomplishment of the cash move business and Harris left the organization in May 2000.
In October of that year, Musk concluded that would end its other web banking activities and spotlight on PayPal. That very month, Elon Musk was supplanted by Peter Thiel as CEO of, which was renamed PayPal in 2001 and opened up to the world in 2002. PayPal’s IPO recorded under the ticker PYPL at $13 per share and produced more than $61 million.
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