@cfminer Investors Update 25.01.2018 - Mining Optimalization

in #cfminer7 years ago

Hi guys,

whattomine.com.Mining on https://miningpoolhub.com/ went smooth with ZClassic being mined almost all the time. It's still the most profitable coin to mine according to

I've also gained some experience in using AwesomeMiner and now I can add specific coins / pools to the auto-profit miner which gives me more control over the mining process.

Currently I'm testing one more auto-profit mine - ahashpool.com (link to the wallet). It's very similar to ZPool but the payout seems better. Min payout is 0.01 BTC so about 3 more days mining there for the payout. After that it's gonna be either NiceHash or miningpool.com



I don't mind waiting a couple of days to get my money. If nice hash is more profitable stick with nicehash.

I think the same. Nice hash appears to be the most efficient.

Im in no hurry either. Whatever works.