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RE: Late Night Raw Tuna Sashimi [Food Pictures Warning]

in #chainbb-general8 years ago

That is one huge knife. I like to have an extra sharp knife ready so that it cuts through the fish just like if it was butter. It is really great to have these neat pieces which are cut perfectly just like in the picture you ve provided there. I'm afraid that such good sashimi is something which is almost impossible to get in western europe where i am from. That makes me think that i definitely need to visit japan someday to enjoy the best sushi. Apart from that one pufferfish though, i hear people die from that. Wouldn't want that risk on my hands!


Ya the knife was bug and razor sharp but still it is quite hard to cut through a well frozen fish :(
I should get a thinner knife I guess, or that kind of sawy knife which specifically deaign for cutting frozen food :)
Actuall sushi shops r everywhere in asia I guess;)
Japan is not the best place for you if you dun know japanese haha