Making The Best Out of Steemit - A Review of Steemtools Part I

in #chainbb-general8 years ago (edited)

I know new steamians find it difficult to adapt to steemit and I know this because am just a transitional steemian newbie. I did a review of steemtools not long ago which captured 5 steemtools. You can visit to see my favorite steemtools and what they are used for. Today, I am going to dig deeper into the other sets of steemtools and how they help us.  Steemit is an amazing social media with lots of fun interesting things but you will have to love reading before you will find them out. I call steemit the information hub because it has actually helped me make good trading decisions which is really paying off in the short time I have been around.Lets cut the race and go straight to the point! allows you to sort out all the apps based on author, curation, community, developer, frontend services and wallet  There are currently about 123 tools that you can take advantage of on steamtools. Most of these tools are based upon the hard work of just a few: A special mention for those who make it possible that (almost) anyone can program against the blockchain:
@xeroc for Piston - a websocket to the blockchain

@svk for the steem-rpc library and SteemJS

@pharesim for steemjs

The pioneers of steemtools. Respect to the named and all unnamed developers for making steemit this much interesting.  
On I will be taking all the tools one by one to discuss on the uses of it.  
In the author section of the tools one will find tools that helps in writing and editing articles to get the most out of your writings:

Url Shorteners:  There are three steem Url shorteners that helps users to get short urls to expose their content to the outside community and within. The tools include   

  1. Steem Url by @originate 
  2. by @cryptotony
  3. by @anduweb

Steem Editors  Steem has powerful editors to help format your articles to get good arrangements and please your audience. There are three different steem editors and each has its own place of formidability.   

  1. Steemit EasyEdit by @bitcoiner.
  2. SteemWriter by @unipSycho
  3. Steem style by @newandold

Others  Also under authors section, you will finding good hosting services for your files and images you wish to upload. 

  1. Steem Files by @leprechaun provides premium content upload and download. 
  2. Steemimg by @blueorgy provides image hosting service for all steemians
  3. Steem Ideas by @andrew0 provides steemians ideas to write impressive articles and to promote the market 
  4. by @t3ran13 is service for generating JPEG or GIF to promote your blog post and make it more communicative.  

As an author these are the tools available to make the best content on steemit. Will be continuing with the review of the other sections later. For now, I will end here. I hope this was useful to my followers and readers and as such you have already uprooted. Thanks for the time taken to read this article.  


Steemtools - Indexing All Tools & Services For Steemit Users

Image Sources: 1. 2. 3. 4.

If you enjoyed this post please Upvote, Resteem and Follow me @tj4real for more reviews.


Nice post you got, some Youtube videos could also help, get a real talk from a human being, these guys on youtube also promote steemit, I learnt everyhing from there and I am still learning.))

Thanks for the complement. I will see to that too


Hey thanks a lot for taking the time to review and share these tools! I look forward to trying them out to see which of them I can use. Great article!

Its my pleasure that you found this post interesting

This is a gem post. I didn't know that there are other things aside from just having the steemit blog!

Yes. thats the reason why i made it. Many users are not able to get the best out of steemit because they dont know their tools