
Voted up when you shared on SSpeak but only read it now. Very interesting article, I enjoyed reading it. Thanks!

click here!This post received a 5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @vmsolutionsltd! For more information,

Hi Simon! Very cool posts! I know what you mean about losing the love...
I figure long term this kind of content will win though!

Lots of ideas I want to write about too! I gave it a start in this post,

It would be very nice to hear your considered opinion. If all your posts are going to be like this I'd love to trade considered comment for considered comment! Which I kinda hoped was the point of steemit !
My article is here: and talks about the exponential changes that are shifting us from the knowledge economy to the idea economy. Your post fits right into that! RESTEEMING!

My plan is to figure out what is going to take to adapt and share those lessons, maybe we can make a coalition of like-minded authors would be great to have some peer review structure of ideas eventually! (Mutual upvoting can't hurt either)

We should probably setup a chat in Discord. That seems to be where the whales party (and for that very reason). Ideally Steemit will evolve to be a platform for the highest quality content on the internet and while politics will always be a part of content marketing, if Steemit or a platform like it could be a "cream always rises to the top system," where someone with virtually no followers could come on it and post an article that pushes the limits of society and the knowledge base of their own comfort zone, as opposed to just shocking and trolling with the same result, then it will truly be something epic.

The idea is that you seek out what you don't know and put enough time into objectively researching it that the result you produce and share with the community provides them priceless value and is much more efficient than if they were to research the topic themselves.

When you take one step, God takes two. If you truly push the limitations of what you know, and are capable of discovering, then the next stage would be for your work to be peer reviewed and ultimately fall into the hands of more experienced experts on your topics, who can weigh in and provide even deeper context.

Each post on Steemit can be a world all in itself. Of course there will always be cat memes, and flavor of the moment rant garbage by creators capitalizing off whaleshares and bureaucracy, but if the community shifts in a way where there is greater incentive for creators to put the best of themselves in every post than we all as a community can find the 25th hour.

The alternative is to wait until big media companies take hold and flood the feeds with their agenda driven nonsense, then the opportunity is lost. In a way, we are talking about checks and balances for uncensored, thought provoking, heavily researched, peer reviewed mental nourishment the likes of which until now has only existed on the dark web or YouTubers savvy enough to establish significant patronage on Patreon.

This could be commercially adoptable truth. People follow the money. Trust me if the incentive is high enough it could inspire even Alex Jones to act like he has some God damn sense.

I long for the day when a month on steemit could be more beneficial than a year's worth of college education.

I upvoted your post by the way, and I follow you as well.

That is really much appreciated! Looking forward to your articles!

shared you post in the upvote slack channel of Steem Blogger Central, small now but over time should grow!! contact @sflaherty or steem blogger central on Facebook

I do like the white space format you've used on this post. The content is something I've been contemplating for a while.

Back on task, sorry, anyhow about UBI, is what does society do with the "non-creatives"? Will we have "The Creative Wars"? I have no answer to the queries, but there is one thing I know... I sure enjoy the sh*t out of Steemit and could do this full time. YMMV.
Upvoted and already following. Looking forward to future posts. One thing that I wonder about regards UBI, (oh boy, random aside in post, disregard parentheses, unless you want to follow a white rabbit. In typing UBI just now, my autocompletion on my iPad just prompted a memory, "get outta my head PK Dick"; )


Really enjoyed this post and the content model! thanks. upvoted and followed.

Thanks @brownz. I see you are posting about Politics, Technology, Economics, Science, and Gaming. All my faves, so I followed you as well.

Steemit established a new labour economy, and the machine learnt to place human, a whole new generation comes!

The generation is already here. It's just like a festering zit that hasn't popped yet, but when it does, we will look at every passing year like it was the Stone Age.

Great post....had to share it with our crowd over at Steemit Blogger Central.

You can view your RESTEEM at the following pages:



Our Steemit Blogger Central SLACK community is here:

You can post your articles and meet other Steemians on our SLACK for real time growth


I appreciate the support. Ultimately, all of us could be doing something else with our time. This is the path we chose and every bit of feedback, resteeming, upvoting, and resharing that you can do validates that very challenging and risky choice to invest in the dream we have for ourselves and not the dream others have for us.With every resteem, you empower me to create more content of this caliber. Thank you very much @sflaherty. I appreciate it more than you know.

That is why I created Steemit Blogger Central, to really give back and to help others working so hard here. Honestly as we grow in Steemit its going to be on a lot of people to push and self promote harder and harder so I figure help that area to those that drive up some great content that may get lost in the crowd. Really glad to help you where I can my friend.

I also created a SLACK chat for SBC if your interested in joining. We help each other, post our articles and connect through community in this community. I in turn take what people post in there and resteem for them on my social media pages. More or less an extra tool for everyone and your invited if you like to check it out.

If you want in just click on this link, put in your email address and await the confirmation email in your inbox, might be under the sender as BRYAN D because my buddy set this up for us. One you get it just click on the link in the email and your off to setting up your account to chat and share freely. The sign up is here if your curious:

Thanks for sharing quite a good amount of useful information, indeed. I've been referred from I'd recommend writing long posts in digestible chunks, one aspect at a time.

Thanks for all your effort. You are doing this job well... of media and explaining. I think much of these ideas are quite cool with much potential, yet I cannot agree with your roadmap.

This I hope is not the future. I would rather sit on a lonely bench near a lamppost and observe silent trees, green grass and noisy birds. (But like Musk I'm driven to somehow chang the world.)

My road map basically recognizes that content creators in an economy where content creation represents a majority portion of the overall labor market, due to automation, will be most powerful when thriving on decentralized uncensored media platforms. Some people when they hear universal income, they think socialism, but everyone earning their keep becomes more of a burden than a principle when it cost more for you to work than it does to just pay you to exist. If it's true that vertical solar powered farms will produce a surplus of food, someone has to eat that food, provide a large data set of feedback on its quality, and recommend that brand of food to friends. There is no need to charge excessively for the food because at a certain point it costs more to store it than it would cost to just give it away. All jobs available within the business world would be creativity based, and the only other jobs left would be sports and entertainment. Content markets, films on Netflix, Hulu, YouTube Shows, and all their decentralized block-chain backed equivalents, would be over saturated and the highest quality content would reign supreme on the highest level, with early adopters dying out as you work down the content popularity pecking order. With the multi-media content market so over-saturated, content would be better than it's ever been. Every few months would emerge like a creative Renaissance in comparison to months prior. Content consumption and creation would expand into more immersive forms, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and 3D Binaural sound etc...

De-centralization and freeing up human time will lead to many great human achievements. STEEM and crypto's are just the beginning :)

Stigmatatata from Lake Titicaca!

Really fruitful artical. Thanks for it. Followed, resteemed, upvoted.
We would like to actually use Steemit as fundraising tool to get resources for forest conservation in Cameroon. You could help us in our effort here: or elsewhere here @kedjom-keku

I enjoyed the layout of your post and having enough white space where I couldn't wait to scroll down and learn more.

This has been a subject that I have been going over with my family, friends, and coworkers about how soon we will be replaced by robots and free to create.

With the exceptions being my spouse and a few close friends. Everyone has thought of me as being crazy. The usual line is, "There is no way a robot can do my job ". Currently, I work in an office building with accountants, lawyers and other types of paper pushers. I tell them there is already a robot or AI doing your job right now, when they roll out in mass production and low cost, you will be replaced. A lot of them roll their eyes and ignore me.

I know that the future is already here and I'm now learning new skills knowing that one day soon I will be replaced. Less than ten years ago, everyone thought that smartphones weren't going to be a thing. Look how fast that changed.

Thank you for the post. Followed. =)

Good for you! Many people have no clue how big and how fast the change is going to happen. I am figuring out too how to re-skill: In my article I have some links to good sources and videos here:

Must reads are
Kevin Kelly's The inevitable
Dan Pink A Whole new mind
Peter Diamandis Bold, Abundance

I am glad you enjoyed it. I actually quit my job at a Web Development and Digital Marketing Agency for the exact reason you had in your office. I felt like the agency was too content with its position in the market. I wanted to learn bot development, marketing automation, and machine learning. I discovered SitePal and saw how eCommerce stores were using chat-bots with artificial intelligence to make each visitor to their site feel unique. When you are working at a small to medium enterprise, usually they are myopic to opportunity and set in their ways. The problem is there is so much innovation happening right now that if you aren't looking into how to build your business atop a blockchain, or how to utilize machine learning and automation, you have basically decide to retire within the next few years.

It's all about the price of the robot vs. the value you get out of it. People seem to get really offended when you point out a robot can/ will/ is do(ing) their job. But the facts are facts. I think it is a defense mechanism to push away the fact that a "dumb" robot can make them an outdated relic in an instant as soon as the price is right.
The next logical question is, do we need to re-think money and how we use it?

I think we already are rethinking money and how we are using it. Everyone on steemit especially, but a 5 second glance at anyone of the top ten crypto charts and it's clear a new way of thinking about money and value is taking hold of us all.

Exactly. But I get a "can not compute" from people I try to inform. Maybe I'm a bad explainer, at least I tried, buy now or cry later I wont get left behind.

You have to tell them it's going to the moon. I don't know if it works, but it seems to be what all the chat bots would say in the trollbox on Poloniex. They had to shut it down because of all the moon talk, but I think those chatbots were on to something because the last I checked Bitcoin is running on jet fuel.

You mean the jet fuel you would use to go to the moon? :)

Maybe, is Elon Musk not using jet fuel anymore? It's running on solar panels then. I don't know, but it's running.

nice post!!! i wanna watch more posts about it!!

Thanks your support. Stay Steeming. I followed you.

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Hi! Have you heard about @krwhale? It is similiar with @randowhale. For your information please