Demon Laments His State, Talks Heaven And Satan's Fall During Exorcism

in #chainbb-general8 years ago

If true, and sounds legit to me, great info and insights into the workings of the demonic world and pre satanic rebellion. Highly recommend listen discern for yourself:


Hm. So far I have not heard audio-cised demons, but I have seen the eyes of demonic influenced individual and also during manifestation.

Probably won't listen to it as I know my ear gates need more Word of God than demonic manifestation recordings. haha.

Well it's during a church service being cast out by the pastor. Have seen the manifestations also, and their responses to being cast out. Like said, this sounds like real deal to me.

I've seen real exorcisms on film. They truly are frightening.

You probably need to see the real one and to understand the true meaning of

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
1 John 4:4

Some demons come out quickly without much of a fight, others make it more interesting, when you've seen the manifestations tho the veil between the spirit world and ours is rent and it becomes pretty hard to doubt it all if one has those issues.

mid 80s when I encountered Jesus and I was teenager then not until I'm 21 years old when I seriously took Him into my heart. I remember during those years, one of the gift the Holy Spirit is given to our church is casting demonic spirits. I am an eye witnessed. I saw how those people that we are reaching for Jesus through house to house evangelism and Bible studies, crusades are being possessed by demonic spirits. It is indeed a great challenge for our faith and spiritual walk with God whenever we encountered such spiritual battle.

Does not sound legit at all, repentance is a gift from God, given to human beings only, not for demons.

Any intelligent free will being can become aware of their actions and lament, demons having already experienced the fullness of God do not require the work of God as we do in order to see our sinful state, become aware of Him and thus repent.

any biblical base for all that

This does not sound real, at all. It sounds like some ignorant peoples attempt to scare people into becoming Christians.

Read first Enoch. From my studies, "Demons" were never in Heaven. They're the disembodied spirits of the nephilim, the angel human hybrid offspring as a result of the Genesis 6 account.

Having seen demons manifest myself it looks real to me.

Demon is just a word, some have different fates, Enoch is one most others are on earth after the satanic rebellion and they can possess people, as was clearly shown in the Gospels.