1 DISTRACT YOURSELF IN A HEALTHY WAY : Always try to distract yourself in a healthy way watch inspiring

videos,meditate,exercise and lot of others things which helps u to remove stress

2 TALK TO SOMEONE: Talking to someone about how u feel and what u want.Choose the person to which u share all your

feeling and who u think understand u and a good listener

3 AVOID ALCOHOL : Many people though that alcohol prevents stress but their thinking is wrong research proves that

alcohol and nicotine increase the level of stress

4 LEARN TO CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS: Try to control your emotions and learn to say NO.because when u take the

responsibilities of others it gives u more stress . things which are not in your control try to avoid them.

5 SET SMALL GOALS: Setting of small goals is also a good thing this keeps u busy in a right direction and avoid negative




Good tips, shouting also helps to reduce stress.

Yeah...nice comment. Posted on sleep deprivation. Check it out in my blog

Great health post...keep it up...supporting wit upvote
Check out my health post too in my blog for ur support...

hope this post help u

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