I came back to give you a note, actually yesterday was not finished and still early writing and not yet complete. Well this I give the writing complement to the end.
Is a chemical messenger in the nervous system, in addition to two other types of chemical messengers are endorphins and hormones. Neurotransmitters are not only present in the brain, but also in the spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and some in the gland. Through the effects of certain neural networks, these substances can affect mood, memory, and well-being.
The nature of the effects it produces depends on the level of the neurotransmitter, its location, and the type of receptor it binds to.
Here are some known neurotransmitters and some known effects in influencing neurons :
Associated with sleep, appetite, sensory perception, temperature regulation, pain barrier and mood.
Related to deliberate movement, learning, memory, emotion, pleasure or appreciation, response to new things.
Acetylcholine: is associated with muscle action, cognitive function, memory and emotion.
Associated with heart rate, decreases intestinal activity when under stress, and engages in learning, memory, dream, waking and emotional activity.
GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid):
Serves as a major neurotransmitter inhibitor of the brain.
Glutamate: serves as the main driver of neurotransmitters in the brain, glutamate is released about 90% by brain neurons.
Harmful effects can occur when levels of neurotransmitters are too high or low. Low serotonin and dopamine levels are associated with severe depression and other mental disorders.
Abnormal GABA levels can cause Alzheimer's disease, which is the loss of brain cells responsible for producing acetaminoline and other neurotransmitters that result in dopamine loss causing tremor and stiffness found in Parkinson's disease.
In a meditator, the level of acetylcholine in his blood will be constant, this will be followed by the braking process of subconscious brain activity (hypothalamus) so that the production of cathekolamine (adrenaline and non adrenaline) decreases as well as the race that occurs in the sympathetic nerves as well Will brake.
Reduced cathekolamine in the blood reacts to the meditator becomes more calm, heart rate becomes slower, and blood pressure becomes more stable. If a meditation is successful then the monoamine oxidase enzyme that regulates the balance will be active so that elevated blood cathekolamine levels can be readily overcome.
It is also known that insulin can neutralize the effects of adrenaline, if insulin becomes dominant then blood sugar levels will be stable, and in addition to insulin can prevent the existence of deposits of lipids (cholesterol) and protein damage.
For the meditator, the influence of insulin will also be dominant. Thus, meditation will be able to prevent the occurrence of diabetes mellitus, heart disease and vascular disease (hypertension).
From the psychic aspect, the activation of teta stimulates the brain through the practice of meditation, and if breathing proven to prevent and overcome two types of stress at once. First acute stress / sudden caused by daily life disorders, both chronic stress caused by past events, such as a deep sense of resentment and regret that has not been revealed. If there are stimuli that can cause stress, then the neurotransmitters in the brain will work to inhibit or decide stimulation of the cause of stress, so that stimuli reach the subconscious to be small or even eliminated. In addition, the brain also produces chemical substances that work identically with valium or sedative isobutirat acid.
In the meditator the process can occur with a greater intensity than a person who does not meditate. As a result, the meditator can prevent the early stress that happens to him. In the peripheral nerves, meditative substances work in meditation that is identical to the "beta-blocker" (stress hormone reduction), which blocks the sympathetic nerves.
Of the processes in the central nervous, peripheral nerves, and chemical changes in the blood this comes the conclusion why meditation is believed to be able to maintain health and cope with stress.
*Referensi : *
{ (1997) in his book Emotional Intelligences (EQ), Siegel (1999) Brain development expert, Glen (1992) music observer, Weisskoff (1997), in his book The Effect of Mozart, Stenberg and Salovery (1997) 1981) music observer; Bailey (1980) music observer; Gardner (1983); James N, Parker, MD & Philip M. Parker, PHD.Dictionary Bibliography & Annoted Research Guide.1960; Holmes, J., Psychoterapy 2000: Some Predictions for the coming Decade, British Journal of Psychiatry, 1991; Ekman, P., Davidason, R.J. & Friesen, W.V., The Duchenne Smile Emotional Expression and Brain Physiology II, Jurnal of Personality & Social Psychology, 1990; Blows,M.(Ed), Towards the Whole Person: Integrating Eastern & Western Approaches to Body Mind Skills, Proceedings of the workshop, The Transnational Network for the Study of Physical, Psychological & Spiritual Wellbeing, Kenthust NSW: Linking Publications, 1993; Bankart, C.P., Koshikawa, F., Nedate, K. & Haruki, Y., When West meet East: Contribution of Eastern Traditions to the Future of Psychoterapy. Psychophysiology, 1992 ; dan lain lain dan lain lain ).}
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It's amazing how much good meditation can do.
One of the goals we pray for is to remove the burden of the mind and the matter of life. The point is to rest the mind. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Then close your eyes. At that time we switch from Beta - Alpha - Theta wave. Good for soul enlightenment.
Meditation is very necessary in the present world not only for happy life but also for peaceful world. Highly appreciable for highlighting other aspects of meditation.
Yes my friend... peaceful world is important. Love For All Hatred For None. Thanks to give me feedback.