
Is that automatic?

What is? :)

The Vote from cryptoctopus

Its manual. But if you did put an comment from chainBB on the post - do not worry! He will not forget about you!

nope, I do it manually for now.

It shows that I post it via steemit, but I did not.

Was it changed when I add tags, because they were not saved?

@eirik can you consider posting next time by using chainBB?

But I did. I dont know what happened there.

But I saw that the tags were not saved so I edited the post in steemit. Could that be the problem?

Oh ok. It shows from where it was last edited. No worried, chainBB still gets the prize :-)

Hello Cryptoctopus.

If I would put my, for example, active key as my private key for signing-in, would it stop me or not? Is it safe-proof?

not completely sure but I think that's what @jesta said.