This is my first time publishing an article on the steem blockchain without using, this post was written entirely using ChainBB. It's a little strange, I must admit, as it is still in beta and much must be done to bring this software to it's full capacity. Nevertheless, I'm impressed.
Why do I post on ChainBB rather than
As he mentioned in his last articleI post there because I want to support our developers, @jesta more specifically. , @jesta modified the rewards mechanism so that 15% of it goes to fund the development of ChainBB.
Look at this:
In the last 24hours, there are only 3 authors that use chainBB to publish on the blockchain.
ChainBB - A Review of what may become way bigger than steemit.comThat's not even near the kind of support @jesta need to bring it's vision to it's completion. To know how big ChainBB can become, please read . But for this grand vision and more to be accomplished, @jesta need your support. And you can do this by posting in his app rather than
Another reason to post on ChainBB
To be honest, I am worried that our independent devs just decide to pack up, leave and start their own version of the steem blockchain in order to achieve what they want to achieve.
If many people start using ChainBB, then I believe that there is less chances for what @jesta outlined above to occur. It's true that hardforks can put a monkey wrench in someone's business model. But if there are many apps actively used by the network, Steemit INC and the witness will have to take into account the impact those decisions will have on those businesses.
There are great benefit to remain on the steem blockchain. All your followers are with you across platforms, (that's a biggy for marketers and businesses), we all benefit monetarily by having more people using the same blockchain and more development is put on the core development of the blockchain over time. But we can't deny the temptation for devs to start their own blockchain for more control of the environment for example.
Developments I'm Looking For On ChainBB
1. Communities!
Of course, that's what I'm most excited about because they will make the process of forum building much more interesting. Each communities could be a specific forum with tags managing the topics within that community. Can hardly wait for that.
2. Post Preview
As I was writing this post, I missed being able to see what I write.
3. Image Hosting
Now that we can simply drag-and-drop images within, I'm now realizing how I became hooked to that function.
4. Themes and Editor
To me, I find the font a little too big. I'm used to a much smaller format. A WYSISYG text editor would help adoption I'm sure.
Just head to chainBB website: and please start posting using this website. I don't know for you but, more than the money, what I enjoy the most about crypto and blockchain, is the feeling of being a pioneering the future of internet technology.
EDITS: I didn't realize that it applies to comments too! Comment away of ChainBB on this article. If you mention that you wrote your comment using ChainBB, you'll get my $3 worth of upvote.
One last Thing, are you a twitter user?
If so - maske sure to take part in Bobby Lee's poll and vote for STEEM as the currency that should be added to BTCC. The more exchanges we can get supporting Steem, the more options all of us will have to buy or sell Steem :)
Commenting from chainBB :) First time.
Wow! I didn't think of that! Post rewards also applies to comments. Voted!
using steemit to promote chainbb seems wrong or maybe someone explain ?
They use the same blockchain and are based upon the same technology. I'm responding to you from chainBB right now, and you're going to read it on steemit :)
Any post on one is also a post on the other!
@jesta That's interesting, I'm going to look into this. I kept seeing chainBB trending on steemit and didn't pay any attention or understand it, but @cryptoctopus recent posts have made it really easy to understand.
Just signed in to ChainBB.
I am planning to do a post within the next couple of days, and will definitely try posting from ChainBB.
Also - I love how the vote button shows your voting power and effectiveness. Good first impressions :)
Thanks! I figured that I would be commenting too after @pfunk mentioned it. :-)
Yeah :) I read the post @jesta put up earlier, but I didn't have time to look it up then. So thanks for for the reminder :)
Interesting idea and concept that jesta is working on and I can see why dev's should have incentive to work on a project. Sounds like a great idea to build different communities around specific forums. I will head over to chainbb to check it out ASAP.
It is going to be awesome man! Keep doing the good work :)
thanks @funnyman
What is the difference between them? Is it just to support?
Hi! Please read my previous article to know what's different.
I fully agree man, jesta has been in the works since I joined steem developing tools that make it easier to interact. One of the greatest rewards a dev can get is seeing their apps being used.
Very well said! Thanks ;)
When I first joined steem I was was briefly mining with my account raymonjohnstone1 and I use steemstats to check my progress daily, it was integral.
seems fair 15% for the development , but where are advertising this site here, I understand the issue of bringing organic people there, but have a strong campaign? It is profitable 15% does not seem like much but in quantities can become very much (in a very short time) money if this is to have much success.
I'll prove it, it sure, looks good
I don't think we have to be worried when there is only 3 people who wrote on that app in the last 24h. When there are hundreds, maybe he can review the %
For some number, some day you have to start, in a little time can be many more with good campaigns
Interesting, I'll have to check this out. Thanks for giving a little preview to what kind of ux we can expect at BB
I just want to say that chainbb look a little bit wired. I understand that chainbb focus on conservations but for 66 Comments they need 7 Pages ? Maybe I just need to use chainbb more. I hope you answer my reply :)
PS.: What have you think the first time you visited chainbb ?
I'm planning on making it so you can configure how many posts you'd like to see per page. Then you can set it to whatever you'd like :)
The reason paging is useful is so that you can jump back into a conversation hours later and remember where you were at. Right now I know this thread is up to 7 pages. So in a couple hours, when I come back, I'll just start on page 7!
Ok now I understand what you are planing. But I think it's need some acclimation to use chainbb. But thats just my view.
i just began using steemit, now there chainbb ? whats the difeerence , as i said im a noob
Headed to chainbb now and making my first post shortly. Thanks @cryptoctopus
Posted from chainBB :p I hadn't heard of this until your post. Thanks for the info!
@jesta and @cryptoctopus I can't wait to head over there this weekend to give it a go! I can see @Zappl setting up a community there!
What a brilliant idea!!!
THANKS! I TRY! :) lol
By the way, do you know if will cost to create SteemIt sub-communities ?
I heard somewhere people will have to pay ?
Hello from ChainBB haha, this is really cool! Cheers!
OK, you got me over here on ChainBB to post my comment...
A little uncomfortable, but I'll look around some more! Thanks for getting me out of my comfort zone... ;)

I wrote my first post there today.@jesta rocks. I mentioned to him how I was sad to see the reorganization left out crypto content and so he added a cryptocurrency section!
Pretty cool to think I can just post using chainBB to support his work.
This is the beauty of Steem in a nutshell. We can support good work without having to tip people or buy anything.
I got a 500 error on Steemit just now.
So I came over to ChainBB and replied.
I love blockchains.
Will anybody support me if I want to make an project for steem ? I just need publicity to finance my project over steemit.
I'm not sure how to answer that because it is a bit vague. What kind of project are you trying to do?
I want to develop a tool to create shop to sell digital or real goods and to pay with steem.
There's something like that in Peerhub:
If you build something like that, I bet people will support it. It just depends on how you use the Steem platform. If you are able to engage with people and build an audience for your posts, that is likely to lead to some financial success.
Yes I want to build something similar. But I don't what to be the website where the seller can put some goods on. My plan is that people can implement a link to a product and to buy it. So you can send a hyperlink to a friend and the friend don't need to put the amount to the transaction.
(sorry for my bad english)
I've been jumping into ChainBB head first for the past few hours. Looking around, posted up a post earlier and just getting a nice overall feel for the interface and how it all flows together. I think it looks very promising! Thanks for bringing it to all of our attention @cryptoctopus, or at least to mine :)
This project looks awesome. A big thums up to @jesta
And it's transparent too with the current pending blockchain message on the homepage. The good thing is it's still fast.
Very interesting! I'm sure this will do very well.
Marvellous work!!! @cryptopus
Thanks for writing this! I just created a post with chainBB comparing it against Busy. Both are great platforms. I've been messing around on chainBB all day and this comment also comes from chainBB. Would love to hear your thoughts on @busy as well.
Commenting here from ChainBB! I will be active on here and believe that activity on ChainBB is going to be a huge benefit to the STEEM community and also the STEEM blockchain!
I checked this site out the other day after reading the article by @jesta. I really like the layout.
I'm gonna give it a test ride from here on too =)
Late stage capitalism
Replying from and using ChainBB for the first time to whole heartedly support @jesta tremendous work! @Jesta and others have been doing so much great work to ehance the steem ecosystem. :)
Thanks for the article @cryptoctopus and reminding us about the new website jesta created.
It's amazing that we can all talk to each other while using different sites, this is the future for sure!
Indeed, thanks!
Glad you like it!
Nice glasses!
I concur
Keep it up!
I had not considered the monetary benefits to us for developers to use the Steemit blockchain..interesting
I like how chainbb is organized. I find it easier to find the post I'm interested in, especially concerning the alt coins.
It's scary to login there because of the big warning sign. :)
Haha, I did that because I think we all need to be a little scared when entering our private keys into websites :)
check, doublecheck, close the webpage, call the CIA, reopen the page, triple check, enter you private key, cry in suspension...and then laugh when it works OK
or was that just me? ;>
We need to support our devs, thanks for sharing.
stops reading mid-way through
THe liKEs of which are already on most other sites???
Literally on deviantART, the fastest and easiest way to get noticed is to join and post to LOTS OF GROUPS
runs off to check out the links in the article
((i want to find more artists omg))
haha, communities will be released for all steem blockchain based apps. When communities roll out in a few weeks, then it will be like sub-reddits. When you combine that with the idea of a forum, then each forum will be able to run on communities.
Well now I'm confused! XD
So Steemit itself is going to have communities soon?
And ChainBB gives us forums
Which will make it more like Reddit than Steemit is?
The Steem Blockchain will enable communities. Apps will be able to use this feature or not. For it will look like subreddits. For chainBB, each forums could be a community hosted on different website if they wanted to.
Other interesting info. Communities may have a % of all the rewards made in the community.
To recap:
1- Devs can make a % of the app they create (like chainBB)
2- Community builders/leaders/moderators will be able to make a % of all the rewards in their community.
So people could build forums for profit!
Hurm. I'm still not sure I get it! XD
But I like how ChainBB looks, and I'm sure I'll get it if I try it out LMAO
(Such are the pros and cons of being a kenesthetic learner LOL)
So, I could make a forum on ChainBB, right? I actually have a deviantART group and a tumblog I'm planning to make for a project, so I could make an area on ChainBB, too! ^-^)
And communities... Are seperate from the forums, right? So when communities are released, I could build one of those for the project, too?
Right now you've gotta ask for forums to be created, I haven't built an interface yet that allows for their creation. I have to go put them in manually.
Forums and Communities are independent things, a community will exist on the blockchain, and the forums exist within the indexes I've created on chainBB. The synergy they have is that once communities are released, I can tell the forum software to allow forums created based upon them, allowing communities to generate rewards both via the communities protocol AND through the forum interface.
Okie doke, I gotcha - though where do I post stuff if a relevant forum hasn't been created? In the General Discussion forum, or?
Here is the hierarchy: Steem blockchain > communities > Tags
Steemit can use communities like sub-reddits. Chainbb can use communities like forums.
@jesta created Reprint...which would allow a forum about beer, for example, (community) to be hosted on its own domain.
Okay... I THINK I get it now! XDD
Thanks for explaining it. I can be a bit dense sometimes XD
Aaa, I think Reprint would be too technical for me;;; XD;;;
I agree with your sentiments and I'll give it a try! Forums are HUGE!
I was astonished when I first visited chainBB as thinking it was a totally different cryptographic blockchain but the I realized it was using Steem's blockchain. It's indeed pretty awesome.
As for the incentive part being brought up by jestus, it seems pretty fair as also they need to somehow raise for themselves as well. As to the 15%, I think this will change drastically according the Steem's price valuation.
I'm also looking forward with the possible new features in the coming weeks. :)
that's the power of steem! Let a thousand apps bloom!
first I've heard of it.
I haven't been able to even get on Busy yet..there's ANOTHER ONE?
there are going to be a lot of front end apps to try out
some of them will fit the needs of some of us better than others
buts its gonna be fustercluck for a while
we'll deal with it.
some of these platforms will be fun to explore, others will be boring
yup..but what's boring to one person is exciting to someone else.
stamp collecting for example...never got much out of it myself.
nothing wrong with just using Steemit all on it's own. I tend to like the forum format, others want a Twitter-style setup
I guess one of my hobbies is looking at new end-user apps and comparing features
I've gotten used to could use some 'tweaks'..but on the whole it's OK.
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @cryptoctopus!
Awesome sharing man. waiting for more articles @cryptoctopus
thank you for the info
15% tax on post rewards?
If you want to look at it that way, you've already got a 25% tax on post rewards to give to curators.
So, how is this different? What am I missing here?
It's not that different, and I don't know what you're missing here :)
I guess my point was that rewards generated from writing posts have always been split. This is an additional layer of splitting to help fund the project itself and give back to the community that forms around chainBB.
If the rewards is the most important thing to you - then I'd recommend using Steem still. But there may be a day where Steem decides to activate the same kind of system to fund their development, which I'd probably encourage. I personally am willing to sacrifice a portion of my rewards to go to building a better platform, whether it be chainBB or some other platform.
You can call it a tax if you want. How else would we build the roads? ;-P
My time isn't cheap, neither are these servers.
No ones forcing you to use it, and you can always just read chainBB and then go reply to things on to avoid the beneficiaries split.
I agree with you about expenses. You try to start new business and many will follow . That's good. Market will decide value of new projects. But for steemit user your platform is 15% more expensive. That's my point. If people want to pay extra to blog that's their choice and if and when start to charge 20 % you'll get more people on chainBB. Don't get me wrong here. I admire your skills and talents.
Thanks ;)
What I'd love to do is be able to disable curation rewards on all chainBB posts (which would give the author 25% more rewards), and then use the 15% rewards. Authors would earn 10% more.
Unfortunately every time I bring up the topic of removing curation rewards the pitchforks and torches come out haha.
I don't understand this. Why authors write? For rewards. Why curators read and upvote? For rewards. We all saw how little posts authors made when rewards were low. And for me upvoting 1 cent after investing in steem was very frustrating also. Now I need to hold myself back on voting. I'm like a child with hammer. I see just nails, wherever I look.
This looks very interesting!
Thanks for sharing ☺
Can't find the ChainBB login button. Desktop only? Using my iPhone.
I'll have to get that fixed, yeah the login button is in a sidebar that only desktop users can see.
I haven't completed the mobile optimization pass on the entire site - so thanks for pointing that out :)
yep, another one of those development that needs to be done. :-)
Ok, I'll check it out later on my Mac.
Thanks for the post... This is my first time hearing about ChainBB and it sounds very interesting. Much reading and research to do.
It says I need to login to post, and I can't seem to find a login button. I am a bit new to this system.
on desktop: top-left
Im on opera android mobile on htc.
I use Google Chrome on android ZTE.
I don't know if Opera has this feature, but Chrome has a "Request desktop site" checkbox that lets me see the desktop view, even on mobile.
I'm newbie here, but I will try it too.
Please ensure post preview ASAP. I can't do anything without it! My newest creation is made by using ChainBB as stated and noted in my post. I'll try to post there occasionally to support @jesta and everyone included. Thanks for the heads up Mr. @cryptoctopus I love BEER lovers subsection!!!!
steem is a great currency and steemit provide us an opportunity to earn it for free great place greate people takes forever to download but i like the idea!!
Well done bro... (^_^) and upvote for you...
Wow! This is really interesting stuff!