One of the struggles that I've had with chainBB recently is where to put all the forums that are being requested by the community. Up until today, I was conflicted between the notion of "adding new forums for users" and "trying to keep the forum index uncluttered". Some sort of solution was required, and after some chatting with a number of individuals, bringing over the concept of a sub-forum seemed like the best approach.
Today sub-forums are now live!
Sub-forums from the Forum Index
The concept of sub-forums is pretty simple, it's that a forum can have a parent forum to live within. Traditional forum software has used this concept for decades at this point and it seems to work pretty well.
Before today, I had an entire "group" of forums dedicated to Steem. All 6 of the forums were displayed on the homepage and that took up a lot of room. With sub-forums (as shown in the screenshot below), the additional sub-forums for Steem now take up MUCH less space and now Steem can live alongside all of the other crypto forums.
It worked so well that I decided to mirror the same setup for Peerplays!
Sub-forums when viewing a Forum
You can also access these sub-forums from the parent forum, as shown in the screenshot below. You would access this page by clicking "Peerplays" from the forum index on the homepage.
This allows easy access to all of the sub-forums for that specific board and allows for infinite nesting of forums within one another.
A forum for Bitshares & Peerplays
Both Bitshares and Peerplays have strong communities already here on Steem, but that doesn't mean it can't be even stronger. Being siblings in the Graphene family I felt it was fitting for it to live right alongside it's brethren.
With Peerplays launching soon I setup the same type of forums as Steem (to coordinate witnesses & developers, etc), and I need to do a bit more research on exactly what would work best for the Bitshares community.
That's it for now, just a small update to help organize things a bit more. My focus is very much on organizing the data and not adding a lot of frills yet. Building the strong foundation of chainBB's UX is going to be critical for adoption.
Can we get a politics forum?
Any suggestions on how it would be organized or what tags it would use?
This is great @jesta! So cool to see it all being implemented one piece at a time. No stress, you're doing this lightning fast.
Only two things keep my from spending the majority of my time on ChainBB currently:
Thanks a lot for the update again! To infinity ... and beyond!
Thanks! This is one of the things I love doing with projects, these micro-feature rollouts. It's how I feel a beta should be run, quickly adding new features and not being afraid to remove any of them that are terrible.
I started experimenting with how some of these more social media type features would work in chainBB. Nothing to show yet, but I'm on it.
As for sorting comments - I've added it to the roadmap :)
... in not so distant future all Graphene ecosystem will get proper attention and you will be one of those who contributed greatly to that :-)your work is beyond awesome @jesta...
I'm hoping so, I really would like to see the entire graphene family succeed. They all need forums IMHO too ;)
like and follow me and read my first story plzz someone needs your help desperately
like and follow me and read my first story plzz someone needs your help desperately
Don't spam the same message and please start writing with punctuation or I will not be the only one downvoting you.
ok thanks for your advice.I will surely work on it
Good to hear. I'm rooting for you to succeed. =)
Off the subject, but is it possible to follow someone directly from chainbb. I'm discovering lots of new posters and would like to follow them directly from chainbb.
So many great updates. Thanks!
Hey @jesta This really is a good update for the forum as a whole! Nice.
Can I suggest something here? As this forum platform is pretty much new; an option to add new sub forum title would be a welcome change in my opinion. And this will go in this way:
I came with this idea just after realizing there is no Movie section here.
For sure! I have a draft written for a system that could accomplish this, I just haven't started coding it yet. I do really want to let the people who want to use chainBB decide what sections exist and how it's all organized.
Awesome. Keep up the good work. (y)
Nicely done @jesta, sub-forums setup looks really nice and functional too, which is more important :)
Awesome update and impressive speed. Can't wait for some of the sub-forums to be rolled out :)
Sub-forums are a great addition to chainbb, and I'm glad they're now a thing
@jesta, please i use my phone for chainbb and am having trouble on how to post here on the site as an advice from a friend.....can you help me out with some navigating tips please?
There should be a big green "New Post" button on the top of each forum as well as "Reply" buttons on every post. These should be visible on mobile (just checked). Are they not for you?
Not on mine, but i can post through forums now. Have posted twice via chainbb, thank you sire.
I love that Beer Lovers stayed in prominent position! Your post reminded me to use more often! I suggested others to use the forum as well in my latest post submitted through chainbb! This comment is also submitted through chainbb! it is a posting fest! Cheers!
Thanks for sharing! A link to your post was included in wiki article about ChainBB. Thanks and good luck again!
You've now created the most comprehensive overview of chainBB yet! rofl.
Nice work, I'm going to have to look around at more of the stuff you guys have been working on.
Thank you very much! The wiki article was created by @seablue who also opened a topic in ChainBB asking users to help keep the page useful and updated. Thanks and good luck again!
Is this the better bitcointalk forum Theymos has been building for years now with few million dollars in funding? On a more serious note; The time of bitcointalk will be soon over, thanks to you!
Haha, I haven't seen the payment from him yet...
He probably can only make payments in lambos these days so you should ask for 1.5 LBG.
Now someone needs to build a Reddit on to Steem so we can get rid of him for good.
Function over form in my world. Excellent work on this project.
I'm pretty new to steem and chainbb but I'm pretty excited in the directions these platforms are heading +1
That solves multiple problems by having the chance of using these sub-forums and keeping them live on your screen, nice job again!
Thanks for sharing, namaste :)
Wow, it's getting better and better everyday.
Do you guys get any sleep between coding? Impressive speed!
Currently by far outshining in developement speed and the site loads a lot faster than too.
Keep up the good work @jesta! :)
look how old that money is! Do u think they used real or "prop" money for old movies?

Oh i made sure to edit this comment using chainBB!
i REALLY REALLy love these subforums! its going to REALLy open up so much!
and soon anyone will be able to open a subforum right?
and eventually like reddit subreddits we canhave subforums that only shpw up on this list if they are the biggest ones!
reddit allows anyone to make a subreddit and sometimes they remain huden from view until someone links to them! ;o
i would love for steemit to have cool little hidden communities too!
I took it for a spin yesterday and found it a bit odd that everything shows up on steemit as well as on th forum.
Thanks a lot!
Such a great work
Thank you for your update
nice...your post deserve upvote and resteem...
That's really a good feature you've added there. Makes it ways easier to get to the topics someone wants to read or write about :)
I believe chainbb will be adopted, it's just a matte of time. We will all benefit by seeing the value before everyone else!
@jesta i followed you to get great content from you. I will definitly take time to listen and read more about sub-forum.
Awesome update! Keep it up! I know you're working really hard on ChainBB!
wow awesome for update @jesta
very nice
thanks for informasion,,,,,,,,
very nice!👍
Cool. Thanks for the update.
I like it...
Upvote & Resteem ^_^Very cool posts from you @jesta
Gracias por actualizar, información valiosa
Thanks for all you are accomplishing here.
Sub forums.. Good idea
Thank you very much to updating again...
Very informative and entertaining post by you @jesta Thanks man and i hope to see chainBB spread.
nice informative post
thanks for sharing
Interesting project. ))))
I LOVE @jesta Really Great! Keep It Still Going!
Keep the good work with chainBB!

Here is the post! Just to let you know, we are continuing our power up rewarding series! Please give us a hand! Thank you!
thx! I just joined the forums. :)
good work!
Just in time as i'm busy trying to research on Bitshare.
It's great to see that subforums are now a thing. Great work @jest
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:Congratulations @jesta!
This is great So cool to see it
Damn killing it with earnings