Kegel exercises: Guide for men

in #chainbb8 years ago

You might be thinking that Keelel exercises / Kegel exercises are just for women. Not really. Women can get as much benefit from this exercise, men can get the same benefit.

Kegel exercises strengthen pelvic floor muscles and strengthen the functioning of urogenital system, bone mass and sepoy, and promote sexual activity. When men like women can do this exercise. But everyone should be able to identify the correct muscle detection and proper technique before doing the exercise.

Benefits of Capsule Exercise for Men
Pelvic floor muscles may become damaged or weakened for many reasons. Such as a prostate gland, tumor or other surgery, diabetes etc. Keeling exercises strengthen men's muscles of the palvice floor when urine velocity increases, and can increase the immunity of many other diseases, including urine.

Some studies have shown that celestial exercises for men can solve problems like sex emergence, premature emission, quick emission problems, during sexual intercourse.
How men do exercise kejel
Pelvic Floor Muscle means finding the pelvic floor muscles and how to compress / spread it - it is somewhat difficult but not impossible.

  1. Find the right muscle
    When the stomach is stopped in the air, or if you stop urinating in urine when urinating, muscles of the pelvic floor muscles, which are tight in the lower part of the abdomen, are pelvic floor muscles. If you look in the mirror, you will see that the penis moves closer to the abdomen and the orthole comes upwards.

  2. Method / Method / Technique Accuracy
    Exercise properly before urinating. Initially, this exercise should be done on the floor. Shrink the pelvic floor masala by sliding on the floor for 3 seconds, then keep expanding for 3 seconds. Do this a couple of times. But not too much. The muscles will be able to slowly become strong, sitting, standing or moving.

  3. Keep your attention
    Deeper focus when compressing for better results. Many people accidentally contract abdominal or cervical, thighs, and hip muscles. That's not right. Do not stop or hold breath Keep breathing normal.

  4. How many times do
    Try three times a day (i.e. in the afternoon afternoon). Set 10 repetitions every time.
    (3 seconds compression + 3 seconds expanding = 1 rep. 10 rpm = 1 set)
    Occasionally it can be practiced by other working times (such as brushing your teeth). During puberty activities (such as sneezing, coughing, smile, heavy lifting), your pelvic floor may cause muscle contraction. Also, during sex, the pelvic floor can reduce the inflammation of the muscles, so that the sex can grow more often or prevent premature ejaculation.
    If the problem is-

Do not be niggardly or shy if you want to help when you are having exercise. Contact the nearest healthcare or doctor so that they can teach you the proper muscle detection and exercise methods.
In some cases biofeedback training can help. In this kind of session, the doctor or other health care providers will monitor the entire matter by inserting a Monitoring Probe on the anus. After compressing the pelvic floor muscle, a monitor will show that you can control the right muscles, and how long can you.

When to find results
Regular calcium exercises can eliminate uncontrolled urinary problems by 3 to 6 weeks. It can take up to 3 months for the problem of gender emergence. This exercise should be done for continuous convenience.
(Kegel Exercise: Guide for Women.)
For women there are 3 seats for pedestrian muscle exercises. Men can do this too.


Good information. its been long since i heard someone talking about kegel exercises. Thank you for sharing

Hey rathin, Really good information, this information can be very useful for the Kegel practitioners., i really appreciate you. thanks you please upvote for me.