I would not recommend either of those choices. Usually the masternode coins which are promising for the future will be worth a lot of money so it will be out of reach to get a masternode for ordinary people.
Any masternode that is cheap enough to get, is usually for a coin that is not likely to go anywhere in the future.
I am assuming you like masternode coins because they give residual income, and in which case I would like to point you to some other coins which provide income/dividend for holding them which do have a future.
- NEO provides you with GAS for holding it which you can sell
- OMG pays part of the transaction fees on the network to it's token holders
- TenX pays part of the transaction fees made by the cards to it's token holders
- There are also a bunch of decentralized exchanges coming up with their own coins which pay dividends for holding them: Binance, WCX, SAFEX are some of them. You can actually get 50 free WCX tokens by signing up here btw: https://wcex.co/?ref=XSGi60ri
I would take a pick from those options. All of them should do payouts regardless of how many you own. My favorite atm is NEO.
My advice is to steer away from any coin that is not in the top 30 if you are new. If you are intermediate, you may want to try out coins that rank lower for more profit all the way down to 60-70. But beyond position 60 in the top 100, there is a LOT LOT LOT LOT of projects that sound great but will likely not be adopted and fade into obscurity. Don't take it with a grain of salt when people say these are HIGH HIGH risk.
P.S. I expect pretty much all of the top 30 coins to survive in the future and probably be worth more than today.Can't say the same for beyond the top 30.