Chaincoin Diary

in #chaincoin7 years ago (edited)

The real story behind the Chaincoin HODLer movement? Yes, as the person who started this movement I can tell you what happened from my point of view. First, there are a lot of people spreading FUD(Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) among the HODLers ever since the rise of Chaincoin movement. In fact, these people have went out of their way to hack our Slack group(which they hacked, tried to ask for donations to fake warchest address, and deleted the group, btw, the original warchest is still here at, I NEVER touched it), hack masternode accounts(login brute force attacks which we blocked with a script), and even my personal online accounts(but most were “dummy” accounts I made just in case hackers tried to hack my stuff).

At one point we had so many of these anonymous group trying to bring us down that we had to ban a lot of people from our online communities. Now, this was all while Chaincoin was hitting its ATH(All Time High) price and boy, a lot of it hurt our movement as people feared it was something we did. But no, we came back and made a new Discord group, even made a new stand-alone group at Of course, this was only part of the reason why Chaincoin kept going down and down from its ATH prices.

The Chaincoin Richlist also showed that someone move 600K worth of coins during the downfall and most likely dumped it, which is probably the real reason why the price kept falling. With all the hacks, all the FUD, and dumping by the Richlist, Chaincoin had no chance of coming back up. When all of this ended, we were back around 30 cents but the good thing is that we had a pretty stable week, actually the first uptrend in the last week since the big crash.

But did I give up? No. Did a bunch of people turn on us? Yes. But did I give up? No. Did a bunch of people spread lies about me? Yes. But did I give up? No.

The point is, I have still not given up as I still believe those of us who are truly honest at heart and HODLed their Chaincoins. In fact, our movement now may be stronger by shaking out the weak HODLers who never actually HODLed but dumped on us. Since August 5th, all my 28 public masternodes can be followed on our site.(

Remember, when you walking a tight rope 5,000 feet above the ground, DO NOT LOOK DOWN, DO NOT PAY ATTENTION to people who want you to LOOK DOWN. I believe if we all focus on the goal of HODLing, we can actually get there. But it will take time, patience,and perseverance out of you.

Buying and selling coins is easy as a click of a button. But HODLing? HODLing is an acquired skill. It is actually the most desirable skill in the Bitcoin world as it will make a huge difference whether you will succeed in the long term or not. Back in 2014, I spent $10K on Dashcoin masternode and ran a Dashcoin masternode for a few weeks. Back then, masternode feature was just introduced by the Dashcoin team and I did not know it would be one of the best features of cryptocurrency years later. But I was pretty sure and even made a video about it, telling people to buy Dashcoin because it will make you rich.(You can see that video below.) Now, after I made the video, Dashcoin tanked in price and people started calling me a scammer. In fact, I got scared myself and panic sold all my dashcoins. But had I kept running my Dashcoin masternode for the last 3 years, I would probably have 2 or 3 Dashcoin masternodes and them generating thousands of dollars for me every month.

That was an expensive million dollar lesson for me so that is why no matter what people say, I just HODL HODL HODL. And you should believe in the movement, don’t ever let anything bother you, stay POSITIVE. When you are happy doing what you do, money will follow. But if you are negative about what you do or others, money will probably go elsewhere.

Anyways, that’s all for today, I will try to continue with these Chaincoin diaries if you guys enjoy it and you can join me on my HighOnCoins YouTube channel for my daily LIVE chats.


Keep it up Max, Sometimes it is hard to explain to your haters (Just leave it)
explain to those who are with you so that they can be more proactive on how the movement will go forward in the future.

Yeah, people just spread hate for no reason. I know so many people that hate Max. I'm not one of them. I'm a sheep without a single original thought of my own, just like you!!! I love Max!!! Please, guide me Dear Leader.

I'm just kidding guys, I admire the charisma and psychological warfare that it took to make the movement possible. He didn't learn those Neuro Linguistics Programming tricks over night. He deserves every penny that he earned. I don't think he's a thief. I think he's a social engineer who's got a stock pile of butt lube and you guys are lining up to test it. Respect to Max... Much like an opposing team would respect the other team.

Always kept in mind that this movement was an experiment adding even more risk to crypto in general. #hodl

Chaincoin was an awesome ride but I don't watch you for Chaincoin. i watch you cuz the channel was hilarious!

Great job Max don't worry about the FUD. You reap what you sow in this life and all those who dumped on will learn their lesson I hope buy back in and HODL.

Yeah, people just spread hate for no reason. I know so many people that hate Max. I'm not one of them. I'm a sheep without a single original thought of my own, just like you!!! I love Max!!! Please, guide me Dear Leader.

I'm just kidding guys, I admire the charisma and psychological warfare that it took to make the movement possible. He didn't learn those Neuro Linguistics Programming tricks over night. He deserves every penny that he earned. I don't think he's a thief. I think he's a social engineer who's got a stock pile of butt lube and you guys are lining up to test it. Respect to Max... Much like an opposing team would respect the other team.

Very well said Max. I believe in what we are trying to accomplish. We are at an early stage here in crypto and once this is mainstream, nothing would impede our success. Stay STRONG! #HODL

you were one of the heavy sellers. It's common knowledge.

I spent 100 $ worth of LTC into CHC when it was at 4 $, and if I just HODLd them LTC I would have had almost 200 $ now. I'm a small fish in this game and was a noob at that time, but that gave me a good lesson and now I just HODL those CHC worth of nothing so I still have the potential to make my 100$ back and maybe more. Since then I just invest into what I really believe and HODL no matter what! In some ways, I have to thank you Max for the lesson! ;)

Hey Max, this is what my masternodes look like on hwat do yours look like?