This workshop seems different from the last one.
I want to join it as the last one helped me improve. We have to write a story on the given prompt and publish it on hive. And join the discord channel. What else?
This workshop seems different from the last one.
I want to join it as the last one helped me improve. We have to write a story on the given prompt and publish it on hive. And join the discord channel. What else?
Hi @amberkashif. Sorry for the confusion. I belong to multiple writing groups. One is only on Hive, not on Discord. That is @theinkwell. You can come back and join us anytime! Just go to We have weekly writing prompts and a new one just went up yesterday.
The other writing group is Write Club, which is only on Discord, not on Hive. That group is for writers who want to write stories for publication in magazines. I think you are probably looking for The Ink Well. :-)
Haaaa! I thought the prompt given in this post was for inkwell. Now, I am clear about it.