Win 15 HIVE >> The Weekly Challenge >> From D.Buzz (ROUND 49)

in #challenge4 years ago

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Monday Challenges from D.Buzz
>> Round 49 << | >> Win 15 HIVE <<

Hello all you wonderful people!

Today is World Blood Donor Day 2021!

“Give blood and keep the world beating”
- Source

On this day, we’re celebrating the selflessness of blood donors who voluntarily give their blood every day so that others can maintain their independence. A single unit of blood can save up to 3 lives. 1 in 3 people don’t have safe blood in their community. So the aim of world blood donors day is to raise global awareness of the need for safe blood across the globe.

Blood transfusions can save lives. A lot of people don't realize it however, our blood is a critical aspect of care and public health. People want to be sure they have access to safe and reliable blood when they need it. But unfortunately not everyone has access to safe blood. If they need a blood transfusion they might not be able to get it or it might not be safe. If you want to make sure everyone has access to safe blood, giving blood is a great way to make an impact.

Giving blood is a simple way for you to make a major difference in the world. It doesn't matter if you don't know the person you're donating to, blood transfusions are a critical aspect of care and public health. To ensure that everyone who needs safe blood has access to it, it's important to be able to rely on a regular and reliable supply of blood. You're the person who can help. Jump on board and donate blood today, and as the message says “Give blood and keep the world beating”.

This brings us to our weekly challenge to WIN 15 $HIVE!

This week challenge is to post a photo of you giving blood, or Buzz a message of encouragement for others to get out there and donate blood.

If we have no one that goes out and donates blood then we will look for the person who buzzes a message of encouragement, however if some post photos of them donating blood this week in the comments below, they will have a higher chance of winning than someone who posts a message of encouragement.

This week's challenge

  • Go out and donate blood,
  • Take a photo of yourself and do a Buzz about!
  • Share that buzz in the comments below.

If you can't donate blood

  • Post a message of encouragement for others to donate blood this week.
  • Post a link to that message of encouragement in the comments below

Preference will be given to those who do donate blood in selecting the winner, however all entries will be considered to potentially WIN 15 HIVE!

Thank You


  • After seven days (Next Monday, at some point), we will select a winner from all valid entries.
  • We will then make an announcement post on the following Monday and Tag you.
  • The 15 HIVE prize will be sent to the winner soon after the winner is announced.
  • No, follow, or up vote required to play.

What is the prize?

  • The prize is 15 HIVE tokens sent to you.

Last Weeks Winner!

The winner of last week's challenge is...


Congratulations on winning!!
You will receive the HIVE from our awards account shortly. :)

Questions? Concerns? Comments?

Just Post below.

Thank you, and have a great week!

D.Buzz over and out.


D.Buzz is ...

Is a censorship-resistant short form microblogging platform that empowers you to share your thoughts in 280 characters or less.

Censorship resistant and built for the community with love.

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We strive to have a fun and neutral stance on topics. If you have any concerns with the content, please contact @jacuzzi, who writes and generates the content for our articles, or the @dbuzz team for clarification.




Boom we won! That is sweet thank you! Eat !PIZZA ....not sure about giving blood this week though.....but that is a good thing!


Lol, Nice!
If you can't that is okay, just post a message in support or encouraging others to do this.

Big up to everyone giving blood

Posted using Dapplr



$PIZZA@dbuzz! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @stickupboys.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (6/20)

Oh didn't know there's a pizza token now. Do i need to have 5 tokens too before I can share pizza tokens?

Boom !PIZZA Is the best! Great group you need to have 20 pizza to give out pizza

Posted using Dapplr



$PIZZA@artgirl! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @stickupboys.

Learn more about $PIZZA Token at (1/20)

I see OK thanks!

Oh nice. Haven't shared anything abt that here on Hive so thanks for the reminder.

Can't find where to get my post link while using my phone so will just use the Hive link. Here you go.

Thank you for creating this challenge. This is my second time donating blood. I have heard stories about the lives of patients who are in need of help. I think after this time I will donate blood regularly so that I can help society more

Hi there, i will post the link from my twitt ~~~ embed:1405466479554879488 and I will check here after some sleep to add a photo of my donor cards(From diferent places), I have being an active donor for years but now im unable (Lack of time, fulltime job taking care of my fiancée that is liying on bed. See more about it in twitter metadata:amVzdXNfdGlhbm98fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vamVzdXNfdGlhbm8vc3RhdHVzLzE0MDU0NjY0Nzk1NTQ4Nzk0ODggYW5kIEkgd2lsbCBjaGVjayBoZXJlIGFmdGVyIHNvbWUgc2xlZXAgdG8gYWRkIGEgcGhvdG8gb2YgbXkgZG9ub3IgY2FyZHMoRnJvbSBkaWZlcmVudCBwbGFjZXMpLCBJIGhhdmUgYmVpbmcgYW4gYWN0aXZlIGRvbm9yIGZvciB5ZWFycyBidXQgbm93IGltIHVuYWJsZSAoTGFjayBvZiB0aW1lLCBmdWxsdGltZSBqb2IgdGFraW5nIGNhcmUgb2YgbXkgZmlhbmPDqWUgdGhhdCBpcyBsaXlpbmcgb24gYmVkLiBTZWUgbW9yZSBhYm91dCBpdCBpbiB8 ~~~Here) so I can't actually donate right now, i still loved the way you used your contest as a way to help others.

Hope to see a lot of people joining, I will comeback to show you the cards :)