
Are you feeling pretty confident that you'll hit the mark by the 18th? :)Way to go @ddschteinn - 2 down, 5 to go!

Thanks. Well, it is difficult, whine whine, but I'll keep plugging away. I've only put out 7 in a week once, for my planetary flowers in the color challenge, so it's a steep hill to row. But I'll give it my best. Been commenting away like two gerbils in a wheel tonight...which is great, as I do love commenting ( :
Thanks again for putting this on, it's a great motivation, and wonderful for the site. Full Schteem Ahead

Well, you've got 7 solid days to get 5 more posts done so you can definitely take a day off. Sometimes it's good to step away from the computer :) Just don't forget to come back! LOL

Is it a pre-requisite for Steemit to stay up half the night? Seems to be .

I have discovered when I take a few days off, I lose a bit of impetus, but once I write one thing, the thrill returns quickly. And having people read my stuff for the first time in my life, has been a lot of fun. And inspirational.

Um... My night has passed and I may be working until I see daylight! LOL
Taking time off is usually very hard for me because I have a bit of an addictive personality. I am a workaholic and I drink too much coffee. HA!

I get the biggest thrill when I see conversations going on in my posts. I mean, sure, it's nice to see a post making money, but I get MORE excited by people leaving comments. That's why the comments portion was really an important part of this challenge. It's the life blood of this community. Sometimes we need to be reminded of that.

I used to LOVE email. I am a keyboard babbler (obviously, as it is late, and I'm still just Eveready Bunny'n it away here). But I miss that world. And now, Steemit comes along, and blammo. The discussion has returned. Which is a good thing in my book. But sometimes maybe a pain to some people. Have to gauge it I guess.

But I fully agree, that is one thing I LOVE about this site. The interaction with others. And though making money is nice, though I'm still not there at any scale, the input and interaction is so much more important to me. When someone reads and likes what you spent a day creating, it is truly a joy. Much better than monetary reward. And if I can make them laugh or smile, even the better.