Dear steemians,
First at all, Merry Christmas to all the steemians of the world !!!

I hope you are well and have a good holiday ...
In a few days we will start a NEW YEAR! Like every year, I take stock of the previous year and I try to improve my life. I believe that what helps me move forward and always do better are my goals. I make lists and I write what is important for me in the short, medium and long-term.
The year 2017 was for me, very eventful and full of changes! I came out of my "comfort zone" and changed my country, work, diet, life in a few ways ^^.
I went through difficult times but thanks to steemit, I realized that I could do something good every day. It's a real pleasure to share with you moments of my life, recipes, photos, trips ...
Every day, since September 2017, I wake up and think "what am I going to share with them today?"
So I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone for your support! And to thank you, I would like to play a little game with you.
I share my wish list for 2018 and then it's up to you!
My wish list 2018
- the best for people I love
- to be in a good health
- surround me with the right people
- go see "Ed Sherann" in concert ^^
- see a show of "Cirque du soleil"
- travel and dance as much as possible!
- become Steemit's spokesperson in Barcelona and bring people together!
- steem and bitshares to the moon ^^
- and most importantly, see my life in PINK!
A last little secret ... My dream would be to go see the flamingos on Aruba Island and write a wonderful blog on this adventure!
It's up to you to play my friends! Be imaginative and sincere. Think with your heart, sincerity always wins! ;)
The most creative wish list for 2018 WINS 20 USD !!
Winner - 20 $
Second place - 10 $
Third place - 5 $
- Write a list of 5 wishes minimum
- Post your list in comment below (in English, French or Spanish)
- The end of the challenge will be December 31 at midnight (Western European Time Zone).
- Each user has 1 entry that will be considered for the challenge.
To validate your participation, I will copy and paste your wish list into a new blog. If you do not want it, thank you to specify it in a comment.
I am the only judge, so everyone has a chance! The winners will be appointed on January 1, 2018
If you enjoyed reading this blog, don't hesitate to vote, comment and reestem! ;)
Thanks for your support and good luck!
My list..
Thank you @flamingirl for posting this contest. Here is my wish list.
My wish list...
1/ Write a steemit post of over 300 words that does not have any grammatical errors in it once it's posted, and I read back.
2/ Write enough quality posts on steemit to make a real contribution to supporting my girlfriend, her mum, and her granddaughter.
3/ Make people think, on steemit.
4/ Make people laugh.
5/ Make my girlfriend happy.
6/ Take myself less seriously.
7/ To stop being so goal orientated.
8/ Help develop steemit for the better of everyone here.
9/ Have a bigger willy.
10/ oh, and make people laugh - I wish this twice.
A bigger willy? Well, I suppose anything is possible ;)
more of a miracle than a wish, I suppose 😂😂
Inspired by you......... enjoy...😂😂
Lil bit o' #EverydayErotica ;) Well done!
Aqui dejo mi lista de deseos:Hola @flamingirl te felicito por el exelente post y la idea es super original, tambien desearte Feliz Navidad 🎄🎄🎄
Mi mayor deseo es poder CASARME en 2018
Ser Padre
Dejar de pagar el alquiler y comprarme una casa
Disfrutar unas vacaciones en pareja destino Caribes
Conocer Tokyo, Shanghai y Singapur ( Este ultimo deseo es pura fantasia)
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
My wishlist 2018
Sucess in my examinations
To become a Dolphin on Steemit
Earn more from steemit
Ensure i have a healthy life for myself and family
Meet the girl of my dreams
Increase in knowledge
Train to be a better me
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
Gracias por esta oportunidad mis deseos son sencillos.
Feliz año 2018 para todos
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
Merry Christmas and a Veery Happy New Year! 🎇🎆🎇Hello @everyone, I wish you
My list is:
Creating the #1 Million Contest: Helping one million people to get their first one million dollar in 1 year starting with 1000 usd (me included 🤑 )
Launching a YouTube channel where every day I will upload a video where I will be giving the most profitable trading and investiment info, and updating my portfolio progress, and coaching everyone to reach the 1.000.000 usd goal.
Create and manage a Facebook Group where people that is following the contest can talk about their progress and share their valuable knowledge with other people to solve their questions.
Giving away a 1% of my monthly profits to a random active Milloner who is following the Steemit Contest and follow all the contest social media
Write a book to give it for free with the most important changes you need to do in your life style and mindset to have abundance in your life.
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
I hope it too, thank you flamingirl!
Merry Christmas :)
My wishes for 2018 are
This is what i wish in next year.
I wish i can continue my master study.
I wish i get scholarship to europe
I wish i can continue my reasearch
I wish will still alive and have good health
I wish i have a girlfriend. -_-
I wish i can stop my addict of cigarette. ;(
I wish i can make peoples around me happier then this year.
And I wish everything best to this world... ;)
Thank you @flamingirl for a great post.
My 2018 Wishes are:
**To Remain in the best of Health possible
**To Relocate to Las Vegas near my daughter and father
**To Rehabilitate myself--by myself, to a stress-free happy life
**To Relate to a life of travel, fun and entertainment
**To Reserve and book a Caribbean Cruise
**To Reunite with my 4 best friends from middle/high school
**To Retain Bitcoin increasing status
**To Reel a big jackpot casino win
**To Rewind my life 10 years (2008) back for 1 day all day
My list for year 2018 is..
I love my wife too much and it must increase day by day.
I want to be more knowledgeful for my subject physics.
I want that my uncle's disease will be cured and they become well & fine . They have lever damage problem.
I want to give some time to my family and friends so make me some free.
Want to become rich so that no one will die with the disease which can cured but due to money problem people can't survive.
Please god make it true specially 3rd and 4th.
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
Become more successful in my steemit posts
Be more of a a help in the steemit community
Try to have a better understanding in cyprtocurrency
Try to maintain a healthy lifestyle
Try to get 1,000 followers in steemit
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
First of all, thanks for organizing this wonderful steemit wishes 2018 challenge @flamingirl You're truly an awesome person :) Also, all the best to all the participants and may all your wishes come true in 2018~
My wish list
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
Merry Christmas 🎄 😘😘🎄
1.- Cambios positivos para mi Venezuela y haga mejorar su situación
2.- Que el dinero me alcance para apoyar económicamente mas a mis padres, a mis hijos, para la recreación y para ahorrar..
3.- Aprender a decir NO.
4.- Viajar a la Gran Sabana
5.- Un amor que me traiga felicidad.
Feliz 2018!!!
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
Hi @flamingirl, thanks for this challenge, it is so fun to participate. Happy New Year! Let's wish to the Star ☄☄☄
My Wish List 2018
And of course my ultimate dream is...
For 2018 I wish that:
My wish list for 2018 is small.
I want to improve my health a little, because I understand that I need healthy people and society.
I plan this year to develop online lessons for children free of charge, using the opportunities to steal.
I'm a founder of the community on the blockade, I want to develop the community block further, making it popular.
I want to go on vacation in Thailand, to tell the world that I will see. I am a geographer and therefore I look at some things as an expert.
I traveled to Kenya and was on Lake Nakuru, where there are many flamingos.
My gift for you for Christmas.
In the background of flamingos - take a lookHello, @flamingirl!
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Thanks for the picture ;)
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
Hey Maam @flamingirl, heres the wishlists for 2018.
Your wishlist is great, @flamingirl! I'd be glad to share mine.
Happy New Year!
Saya terkagum membaca artikel ini karena setelah membaca artikel ini pikiran saya menjadi terbuka. Saya sadar, selama ini saya terlalu tertutup dengan hal-hal yang baru dan merasa sudah tahu. Hal ini berimbas kepada saya yakni saya menjadi orang yang Sok Tahu
Artikel ini mengingatkan saya untuk terus menggali dan terus mencari informasi dan hal-hal baru.
Tapi saya belum paham dengan substansi dari pikiran positif itu sendiri seperti apa dan bagaimana mana membuat pikiran kita menjadi positf. Mungkin di artikel lain bisa sedikit menjelaskan arti pikiran positif. @flamingirl
Hi my friend! Can you please write in English, French or Spanish because I do not understand your message... Thanks ;)
1- Salud, amor y paz para todo el mundo, en especial a mis seres queridos
2- Comer una exquisita pasta en Italia, con el Coliseo romano de Fondo
3-bañarme sin ropa en una playa del Caribe, tomándome un Daiquiri
3- pasar unas vacaciones con mi familia en Finlandia para ver las AUROREAS BOREALES
4-Aprender a Bailar Tango en Argentina
5- Ir a un concierto de Coldplay, vestida de muchos colores
6- Comerme un gusano de Palma
7- conocer a mi amor platónico Henry Cavill y tener una cena con el.. Lo amo
8- viajar a China y tomarme una foto en la Gran muralla China
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
1.-Deseo seguir creciendo en sentido espiritual
2.- Deseo que mejore un poco la situación económica en Venezuela
3.- Deseo mucho aguante para enfrentar mi enfermedad, con una buena actitud.
4.- Deseo mucha salud espiritual y física para todos
5.- Deseo crecer en steemit para ayudar económicamente a todos los que pueda.
Con todo mi corazón deseo estas cosas, porque sé que si soy rica en sentido espiritual, lo demás viene por añadidura.
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
Gracias por lanzar este concurso, es una buena oportunidad para reafirmar nuestras meta, aún si no ganamos, pudimos hacer una lista de metas y proponernos a cumplirla. de verdad Gracias
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
My wishes are listed below.
(1) I want to make my parents laugh and happy in every moment.
(2) I was looking for online job and Steemit appears like a dream in my life, now i want to grow on Steemit Platform.
(3) In 2018 i am hoping for 2000 followers on Steemit Platform.
(4) I want to grow my YouTube channel.
(5) Eveyone should get happiness.
Thanks for the great contest. Merry Christmas and stay blessed.
Have a great day.
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
Welcome and thank you. ☺
1- earn money to take my mother to mecca
2- be a good person
3- be helpfull
4- fall in love again <3
5- and i want to get a good smartphone _
6- Success in my studies
and thnx for the post i love it .. i love the way you help peolpe
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
My Wish List
To help more people know about steemit
To impact lives
To have a house of my own
To help the less previledge
You are missing 1 wish to validate your participation;)
Thank you!
Please beck upvot and follow me
Hello @flamingirl Merry Christmas to you!
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
Steem price at $100
My wishlist for the year 2018:
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
You are welcome... And thank you for letting me to be part of this contest... Happy Merry Christmas to you as well. :))
Steem price at $100
To have one standard for one world
To seen now war
To steemit more
I don't know if I am eligible, but let me drop my wish list here.
I will be starting a new project January next year, I'll want a successful start.
I also want my crypto investments to go up up up, I think all crpto investors want that too.
I have a school programme I'm currently running, I'll like to finish it successfully too.
I want to invite all my friends to Steemit, I am already working on that. I hope most of them come and enjoy this alt earth.
I would want to see a very creative project next year, for this year Steemit won. Something creative and interesting will be nice for the minds.
This is my entry, have a good day @flamingirl.
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
My wishlist for 2018 is as follows:
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
Thank you
💙 Great post. Very good writing,i like this post 💙
🎅 Thanks for Sharing 🎅
My wishlist 2018
To meet more personality on Steemit
To impact positively in the lives of people i meet
My mum to be heal of her sickness
To be in a good health
To get a new laptop
To make more money
To win this contest
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
Your challenge was added to Steemit Contest Compilation (25.12-31.12) for current week.
Thank you @flamingirl for giving Steemians (especially minnows) a chance to get free USD.
By the way, you don't need to enter me in the contest. I just enjoyed your post! Merry Christmas!
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
My wishlist 2018
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
My Wishlist for 2018:
I think thats enough. If only one will come true, 2018 will be a super awesome year ^^
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
Hola @flamingirl Excelente idea para un oncurso, aqui te dejo mi lista de deseos parae el 2018:
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀
@flamingirl, mis deseos son:
Maravilloso concurso, que venga un año próspero para usted con amor rebosante por todos lados. Felicidades
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
I hope that your wishes will come true!
Merry Christmas
🎀FlaminGirl 🎀