
Oh yes salt we buy but don't have a good local/sustainable source for those things yet. Honey we buy also because I'm not much of a bee person. I do make some spices like garlic powder. Tried coffee plants indoors, needed a lot of care but after a couple years were finally started to produce berries. Then we had to move and the person that was supposed to take care of them let them die. I was so disappointed. Will give it another try in the greenhouse. Not sure if it will be this year because we ordered way too many seeds already. The idea of making your own coffee, even if it's just a little bit.
Idea: Keep some coffee plants/bushes in an office building near a window, they did awsome there and look really nice. Do mist the leaves once a week (learned that from a worker from one of the worlds most famous coffee brands).

I don't drink coffee, just tea. But I have been getting into herbal teas lately...

I make things like celery salt, garlic and onion and green pepper powder, etc.