really interesting to see what came out of the mouse prompt. (Note to self: When selecting a prompt, remember not to use rodents or other creatures that some people dread with a passion! Ha ha.)Thank you so much to everyone who contributed a #fiftywords short story this week! It was
In this post I'll mention what I felt was the top story of the week for style, creativity, inspiring use of the prompt and the guidelines, and excellent grammar. I will also supply a fresh new prompt. (You're going to like this one!)
Archipelago? Check it out!As you know, if you've joined my 50-word challenges, I am currently continuing the initiative started by @miniature-tiger. And by the way, did you know that @miniature-tiger is busy designing a really cool game called
(Image credit: Original image by pixel2013, Pixabay)
Fifty-word prompt results
First the #fiftywords rock star of the week
This was really challenging, but here's my pick of the week:
- The little mouse, by @adigitalife, tells the story of a parent remembering when his almost-grown-up big girl was just a little girl.
Well done!
Second, all the honorable mentions
This time around, I just couldn't find a way to choose just a few honorable mentions, so instead I'm listing all the rest of the entries. For fun, I've grouped them in categories. It is really interesting to compare different stories inspired by the same prompt.
Stories about computer mice
- A hi never said, by @ahmadmanga
- An unhealthy obsession, by @kaelci
- What kind and color mouse do you have? by @purpledaisy57
- Domestic animal, by @anixio
- Mouse, by @steemitdiversity
Stories that involve mice being hunted and/or meeting their untimely end
- What color is your parachute, by @preparedwombat
- Cheese in the mousetrap, by @thatlovechild
- The claws of hunger, by @photovitamin
- Mouse, by @beginningtoend
- Mouse, by @dirge
- Mouse in the hall, by @pyrowngs
- Gifts, by @carn
- He is dead, by @iamthegray
Other themes
These uncategorized tales were interesting because they ranged from an expression of love for a pet mouse, to a magical realism piece to the story of big man with a tiny name, to a soldier tribute. I've also thrown my piece about a church mouse into the mix.
- Mouse, by @tygertyger
- Bring cats back-op - Your mission should you choose to accept it, is...., by @ktfabler
- Mouse, by @ablaze
- The fearless soldier, by @feebie
- The church mouse, by @jayna (that's me!)
Great job, everyone!
This week's 50-word story prompt
The prompt for this coming week is forest. There are so many directions you can go with this prompt--to the realm of fantasy or the realm of fear, for example. I can't wait to see how this prompt inspires you!
Here they are:
- Write a story in 50 words. (It's especially cool if you can hit 50 words exactly!)
- post the link in the comments of this post.Use the #fiftywords tag, and
- Be sure to read and upvote the work of the other participants. It's all about community!
- Use only artwork that you have the right to use, and attribute it properly. See below.
Proper use of images
Proper use of images means one of the following:
- It is your image.
- The image is public domain, or under creative commons licensing rules.
- If it is not one of the above, you have actual permission.
Be sure to mention that the image is yours, or attribute its source. And if it's not public domain or creative license, be sure to state that you have permission.
Here are two great resources from my friends at #thewritersblock:
Deadline: Saturday, March 31st
Good luck!
The 50-word story clan
I'm mentioning you here if you were tagged in Miniature Tiger's most recent post, or have participated in one of my prompts. Please let me know if you would like your tag removed in this or future posts. (I will likely go ahead and starting deleting those who are not active.)
@ablaze, @adigitalife, @agmoore, @ahmadmanga, @aksounder, @alheath, @andyartland, @anixio, @anjkara, @awhsarada
@beginningtoend, @bentheredonethat, @bhop42moro, @bitsendpieces, @botefarm @brandonsadventur, @bryarose23
@caleblailmusik, @carlosparejo, @carn, @charlesmackenzie, @cizzo, @creatr, @curtwriter
@damianjayclay, @deirdyweirdy, @diebitch, @dinavice, @dirge, @divineinyang
@eaglespirit, @ebitularmbert, @elementm, @emwalker, @enjar, @evgsk
@feebie,, @fireawaymarmot, @fitinfun, @freewheel
@godwine, @gonzo
@iamthegray, @ilt-yodith, @isa93, @isufbakaj
@jadams2k18, @janine-ariane, @jakeybrown, @jayna, @joyyrush
@kaelci, @kainos-success, @kamalkennedy, @kingernie, @ktfabler
@ldacey-laforge, @lonestarpoet, @loraine, @lucylin
@Mammasitta, @marie-jay, @mark-dahl, @maxiemoses-eu, @metzli, @mikesthoughts, @mineopoly, @miniature-tiger, @momzillanc
@naquoya, @naso, @navaneeth, @negativer, @niallon11, @nicolexu1337
@paintingangels, @photovitamin, @pixiehunter, @poeticnest, @preparedwombat, @prydefoltz, @purpledaisy57, @pyrowngs
@saoirseronan, @sciencevienna, @skoolielove, @spalatino, @stayoutofherz, @steemitdiversify, @sukhasanasister, @superjongky
@tanglebranch, @thatlovechild, @theblackcrow, @therosepatch, @tiatu, @tibra, @tin-tin, @tony-duke, @tygertyger
@udayakumarage, @upen-srv
@vaitelavicius, @vivek-g
@whitewizard, @wilfredn, @wordsalmighty, @wylde
Thank you so much for participating!
I'm sad that I missed this round, but glad it's back again for a new round!
Congrats to @adigitalife for the rock star honor!
Thanks! I've never been a rock star before so this is great! :)
Here is my entry!, Into the forest. I've enjoyed reading a lot of stories around here. Putting a feeling into fifty words is really a challenge, so thank you @jayna for making this contest!
Yes, it is really a challenge to do. Thanks so much for joining in and giving it a whirl!
Adding my submission here for the record:
...For the Trees
Thank you for this thoughtful piece, @negativer!
Don't forget me!!! :)
This is my entry
I won’t forget anyone! I’m traveling, and haven’t had a chance to check for and read all the posts, but I promise I will give each and every one my full attention, and I hope all the other fifty-worders will do the same!
Here is my entry for this week
Here's my entry for this week :D ~
Looking forward to reading everyone's entries. "Forest" has so many possibilities :D
Good job, everyone! Sorry I didn't have anything for the mouse prompt, @jayna, but I'll try for forest!
Yay! You have all week! Jayna sends @therosepatch an encouraging cyber hug.
Thanks, love! <3
@jayna thanks for the new prompt...
Heres my entry:
Oh, wow! Seriously? I'm very honored, thanks! Plus, I get to tell my daughter I'm "rock star of the week" in part because of her. 😎
This week's prompt is a good one. You're right that there are many directions we can go this. I have a few ideas already.
As several people have so kindly said, it is well deserved! Good luck with the next one.
My submission for forest:
I just checked out the winning piece
Well deserved
Thanks for the mention too
Expect my entry soon
Thanks! I also like the creativity of your story. I'll be happy to see your next entry.
Thank you @jayna, for mentioning my entry, I didn't dream it would catch notice, so thanks to all who upvoted it, too. Congrats to @adigitalife for such a sweet and complete story, and unique use of prompt! And all cheers for honorable mentions and all who contribute to #fiftywords to keep it going. Now, excuse me while I wait for the muse to help with "Forrest." Love these challenges!
Thanks! I also like the uniqueness of your topsy-turvy world. :)
Who knows, maybe Mouser and Cutter want a bigger story?
Thank you for sharing your micro-fiction story for this week's prompt, @ktfabler!
Glad you read it, Jayna. I just posted a reply there to your questions about the Garabaldi... Hope you've enjoyed your break at the lovely Florida beaches!
This is my entry @jayna
Thanks for contributing an entry to the challenge, @feebie!
Thanks for your great entry in this week's challenge, @dirge. (Sorry for the late reply! I've been traveling.)
My entry
That's it. I'm never going into a dark forest again! :-)
Okay, here's mine:
Sorry to be so late in commenting. Thank you for contributing to the #fiftywords challenge this week. (And... wow.)
Home For the Holidays.Thanks for the notification @jayna. My submission this week is
Thanks for contributing to this week's challenge, @naquoya!
Deserves it.Congrats @digitalife.
Thank you!
Thank you for the honorable mention, I was quite surprised by it especially since its my first try at creative writing. Congratulations to @adigitalife for such a sensible and touching description of love. Congrats to all the participants !
Thanks! And very well done for your first try. I like how your story starts with one hunger but ultimately ends two hungers. I look forward to seeing your next fifty-word story.
Well deserved @digitalife I really enjoyed your story.. and thanks to @jayna for keeping this going
Thanks! I also enjoy reading about Mouse. I'd like to meet him someday. :)
Thanks a lot, he's a hard man to meet.. He works 16 hours a day...
Seeing the theme, I had two stories burst into my head. Here is the first one :
Here is the second one :
Oh this is lovely. I have been a fan of your stories, but this short one is nonetheless my favorite so far.
Here's my entry for this challenge.
This is such a cool initiative that you have started. :)
Thank you! I am actually continuing a project started by @miniature-tiger. But it's a lot of fun and I get to see a wide range of interesting micro-fiction stories each week!
I'm so glad I stumbled across this project! I just published my first submission to #fiftywords:
Welcome, @douglasbalmain!
Thanks for providing another great prompt @jayna, looking forward to more!
Here is my entry:
I'm glad you're back for this round, @cizzo!
Hi 50-worders! I've really enjoyed reading all the stories. Tomorrow I will write up a post with the highlights of the week and a new challenge prompt for the coming week.
Here's my story for this prompt: