A human being is full of emotions and feelings. Whenever we are given a task or about to do something that we have never done before, it is normal that you will feel scared, worried and doubted. It is very natural that we will give ourselves excuses.
I don’t know how to do it
Nobody knows how to do it if they didn't have their first time. If you have the desire to do a thing, you will Just Do It. From the progress, you will learn thing that you never learn before, open a new door for you to gain more experience.
I have tried, but never success before
Every successful man/women have gone through a lot of failures. To be success, it takes time, effort and courage. Instead of taken it as a failure, you can take it as a lesson learnt.
I got no time for it
Every new task given to you is an opportunity for you to learn. Sometimes you wouldn't realize you are good at it unless you try it. It can sparks up your hidden potential. Time is for you to arrange.
In my career path, I have been given a lot of opportunities to do the First. I started as a programmer. Everyday PC is my only companion from 9-5. After few years as a programmer, I was being approached by management to be in charge of System Support department. One of the major change compared to a programmer is that I need to face the customers very often. I took it as a challenge. From there, I gain the experience of interact with people and build the relationship.
Few year later, again I have been approached by management to in charge of a project, as a project manager. Project Management is a separate game by itself. Again, I took up the challenge and learn from there.
Now, I am into marketing field. My experience in programming, support and handling projects help a lot in what I am going now. I can discuss commercial and technical detail with customers and prospects. It gives them the confidence.
Excuses will limit your potential. You have to step out from the comfort zone and explore. Accept your fear, worried and doubted, take a deep breath and tell yourself Just Do It, and success is coming to your way.
Good post, totally agree. I personally needed a total career failure (a kick in the butt) before I became the determined and ambitious person that I am today. All it takes sometimes is a little push.
Interesting and honest post, upvoted and followed ;)
Super agreed @crypto3d. It's useless if u know something is pushing you but you are avoiding. You will only know the result once you accepted the 'push'. Be it good or bad, if good result then we benefited, if bad result, we also benefited because we will learn from it..
Such a good honest post, spelling out the human's emotions of failure and trying :) @kokuryo. It challenges me to want to try new things too, even when I'm scared :P
@happycrazycon yeah you should.. yesterday i walked out of my comfort zone again.. im nervous, but i did it anyway. Altho at the end i got some criticism, i take it as a challenge and improve from there.
A+ for the effort and willingness! @kokuryo :)
Great advice Kokuryo!
Thanks @harj... recently been assigned into a new task. So need this to remind myself again :)
ahhh great! Thank you kokuryo!, did you like my last art post "indiffrence" what you think ? great to get your interpretion! : )
Gosh, its really inspiring. I need this kind of spirit everyday so I wont't give up and feel demotivated.
Agreed... Self motivation is very important!
After read this ada umphh again!
today I read it all over again too just to remind myelf.. hahaha
yeahh.. indeed ! nike says it the best JUST DO IT !!!
I can see you have the courage in doing anything you wanted to do. kudos!Glad to in touch with you again @carmenraec!
Great post! My challenge now is to "Do It Faster" and not take forever to "Just Do It". Upvoted
Thanks @karinzdailygrind. higher challenge goal set! fast and quality work!
Yup. Exactly @kokuryo