New Sketching people 30-day challenge

in #challenge6 years ago

Last year I tried to draw trees for seven days. I failed.

Then I decided to do Inktober 2018... and I failed to keep going on that too.

Life was just throwing too much at me, constantly that I felt I just couldn't make time for drawing any more.

This year, I realised that the problem wasn't life (well, not totally) but me.

I wasn't making time for art in my life.

So, this month I decided to pick one thing I find challenging to draw and I'm going to draw something in that niche for 30 days. I picked people. I really could use some practice in that area.

I set myself two simple rules to follow:

  1. The sketches should take no longer than 30 minutes
  2. Each one must be drawn in ink (no pencil)

I'll be posting the results in my blog here with some comments about each one.