Hi there from a sunny Amsterdam 23 (°C),
Today's 5e investment day of 1000 is made cause @DoWithLove gave us the idea to invest in Gulden NLG. Thank you so much for this one. (What is the 1000 days investment idea? --> http://bit.ly/2tLqfAo).
butTip for all the Dutch: you can buy it on https://gulden.com/ with iDEAL the fee is high. So go and buy first bitcoin at the cheapest https://bitonic.nl/ or www.litebit.eu and bring them to Bittrex. Buy your Gulden NLG with your received Bitcoin, you will get more coins this way.
What is Gulden NLG?
Gulden was our coin before 2001 in the Netherlands and now back in a digital version. NLG stands for Nederlandse Gulden. Of course we have to have some of these. It can't be traded on Poloniex so we made a new account at Bittrex asswel.
With the new digital Gulden you can send money to each other, wire it to any IBAN account, pay at Gulden or Bitcoin merchants and enjoy a very healthy return. With every new user the value of Gulden goes up. For payments or as an investment.
The community can be found:
Gulden on coinmarketcap:
You can find Gulden on social media:
Our investment today:
We managed to buy a 150 Gulden with our €10. Back in that day's 150 gulden was worth a lot more i can tell you that, anyway we are happy with the Gulden in our Blockfolio?

Thank you for your visit and if have have a suggestion for tomorrow's investment! Please leave us a comment and we will look into it. Sure this project will succeed together. Thank you sofar and hope to see you back tomorrow!
Alicia Richards and Family ♡!
What is this about
1000 days during journey through Cryptoland where we invest €10 euro's every day. At the end of our tour we will donate (€10.000 investment doubled or what's left of it if we failed here) €20.000 to Charity funds KIKA Children Cancer Free. https://www.kika.nl/!
Blockfolio 5/1000
Beautiful initiative. Let's hope that you gain a lot of profit on your investment!
Gulden is a coin with great potential. Let's see what's going to happen with the Segwit update coming up.
Thank you @rvanstel. Lets make this thing work. Today an new investment. Do you have any suggestions for today?
Good points in this blog. Really appreciate you bring this to our attention. I strongly advice people to only buy in to cryptos that have a solid background: A solid team, product, advisors, preferably VC investors, etc. Sell all cryptos that don't have this solid background. It's a waiste of money. I really advice people to take a look at: https://www.coincheckup.com Since I use this site I make so much less basic investment mistakes. See: https://www.coincheckup.com/coins/Gulden#analysis To watch Gulden Investment research report.