Well, guess the times of people eagerly participating in science contests is over, or maybe this topic scared almost everyone.
In any case, the winner of my birthday contesthis post was actually good, so I can give him the first price: 100 HIVE and 1000 HP Delegation. is @maverickinvictus who was the only one to participate. Luckily,
May you use it wisely, @maverickinvictus!
Payout for this post is going to @peakd because it's really low effort and those folx deserve all the support, as I'm always using their frontend to post.
Signature by @atopy
OMG so unexpected. I knew that I was the only one that joined so not expecting anything but I loved writing the post.
Thank you so much @suesa!
I just read your post, and I thought you did very well on it. Congratulation for being brave enough to break through the fear some people seem to have about posting about covid19.
For myself, it is a subject I try to generally avoid, it is just to polarizing of a subject, and I would hate to say something about it and have that information later be found to be 100% wrong.
Thanks Bashadow. Admittedly it took some time to get the courage to talk about it. A lot of those that get sick often try to hide it as they are facing discrimination and being treated like lepers.
Some I know treated it like a common cold and when I came out with my story a lot more took it seriously because they knew me as generally healthy. A lot messaged me when they got sick and I was happy to impart my experience and what worked on me and based on science.
I know there are a lot of information out there and it is polarizing and I can't say I am an expert but I only tell what happened to me and hope that it can help someone else.
For me it was to hot of a subject and I am not sure where I stand on the issue.
That could very well be somewhat true. stemgeeks had a simple make up a technology contest and as far as I know only about 5 people entered. It could also be people got distracted.