Lucid Dreaming Challenge - Day 4 - Sleep Paralysis

in #challenge8 years ago

@stillwater mentioned sleep paralysis in an earlier post. In this post I'll explain more fully what sleep paralysis is. Many people (some estimates are up to 50% of people), myself included, have experienced sleep paralysis without attempting to lucid dream. The experience can be terrifying if you don't know what is happening to you.

John Henry Fuseli - The Nightmare.JPG
By Henry Fuseli - image, Public Domain, Link

What is sleep paralysis?

Sleep paralysis is when you are conscious but unable to move. The first time I experienced it I woke up in the middle of the night. My body was frozen in place and I felt like I was vibrating and I could hear a strange humming sound. Finally I snapped out of it, but I had no idea what I just happened. I seriously thought I was being abducted by aliens.
Many people experience strange sounds, vibrations, visual hallucinations, and the feeling of being paralyzed. Some feel choked or suffocated. Others feel like they are floating. Either way it is quite terrifying if you don't know what is going on. Frankly, I have found that even if you do know what is going on it is still scary. I have experienced it a handful of times during my lucid dreaming ventures.

What is really happening?

Your mind has awoken but your body is still asleep. This can happen as you fall asleep or when you wake up. It seems strange, but people that have trained can stay conscious while the body goes to sleep. They enter sleep paralysis and after a while the symptoms disappear and they enter the quiet of sleep. We'll talk about this more in a post about the WILD technique.
The body uses sleep to restore itself so while you are asleep your muscles will 'turn off' during REM sleep. However, the subject of sleep paralysis is poorly studied. The exact mechanisms of sleep paralysis are not well understood. The standing theory is that you are half awake and temporarily paralyzed. Your brain, understandably, freaks out.
So next time you are being abducted by aliens rest assured that it is actually sleep paralysis and you have nothing to worry about. Unless, of course, you are actually being abducted. :)


I remembered one full dream last night. I attempted MILD again, but gave up after not being able to fall asleep again. I have installed an app on my phone called Blip Blip. It is a subtle hourly reminder to do reality checks. I have liked the app so far and think it is well suited to the task.

DateDreams RememberedLucid Dreams
7/273 fragments0
7/281 fragment0
7/291.51 partial